Vote for the best verboticism.

'This cupcake is evil! I must destroy it, before it destroys me.'

DEFINITION: To follow a diet with such rigor and fervor that it consumes all your energy, and throws everything, even your desserts, out of proportion.

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Created by: jesster

Pronunciation: fast - nat - ic

Sentence: Amy was such a fastnatic when she was on the Grapefruit Diet that she refused to eat the dessert we had prepared especially for her - fruit salad containing only grapefruit.

Etymology: fast (to abstain from food ) + fanatic (marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion)

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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: miss + cake

Sentence: Oh, this pastry is going to be a miscake, I just know it... why can't I ever stick to a diet?

Etymology: Mistake. But with cake. Yep.

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Created by: kellii3

Pronunciation: foo-en-por

Sentence: i stared at the cupcake it looked like it was fooenpor

Etymology: foo-(food) en-(enormus) por-(portion)


i luv this word too - kellii3, 2007-07-24: 14:39:00


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Created by: dancerxoxox

Pronunciation: des-sent-ory

Sentence: i decided to follow a dessentory for a couple of months.

Etymology: dessert+dinner+diet. all in one

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Created by: Kyoti

Pronunciation: Diss-kun-fek-tuh-vate

Sentence: Nancy started out by promising herself to only eat one Twinkie, but after three bites began disconfectivating that she'd actually eaten an entire box and then fed the remaining hunk of Twinkie into the garbage disposal, if a bit gleefully, for good measure.

Etymology: Disconnect + confection + perspective + activate


Wow. Twinkie abuse is a terrible crime. I bet she batters brownies as well. - purpleartichokes, 2007-07-23: 13:19:00

not only that but she beats eggs and whips cream - a real domincaketrix - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-23: 13:24:00

Don't forget that she's dancing in the kitchen while all of this is going on, since the first five letters of her sickness spell "Disco". - Kyoti, 2007-07-23: 13:28:00

Dare I say she chops nuts? - purpleartichokes, 2007-07-23: 13:31:00

an impressive tidbit of discolore - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-23: 13:34:00

okay okay - if purple can talk about chopping nuts, how about balling melons - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-23: 13:38:00

HA! - purpleartichokes, 2007-07-23: 13:41:00


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Created by: mestresuzuka



Etymology: Diet+Detonate

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Created by: Dboozer

Pronunciation: pree-empt-iv-or-ous

Sentence: Julie was so preemptivorous that she would throw herself on OTHER'S desserts to save them from over-indulging.

Etymology: pre-emptive + vorous (as in "omnivorous," "carnivorous," etc.)

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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: ehg-ZAJ-ur-eet

Sentence: Alex's ice-cream date was ill-fated, as the young lady had exaggereaten one sample spoon of lowfat sugar-free vanilla sorbet and complained about how it would go straight to her hips.

Etymology: exaggerate + eat

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: foo-doo

Sentence: Having no luck with Atkins, Sue turned to the ancient religion of portion control and fudge avoidance, foodoo.

Etymology: food, voodoo


does foodoo deal with deities or dieties - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-23: 15:22:00


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Created by: ziggy41

Pronunciation: Dye-et-tick-yoo-less

Sentence: Suzie is just too dieticulous, she said to buy new spoons because she could smell carbohydrates on the ones we have.

Etymology: Diet (certain foods one eats) + meticulous (rigorous)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-07-23: 08:27:00
Oops... Sorry for the delay getting the definition up this morning. I was so fixated measuring my morsels that I ate my words. ~ James

KristinA - 2007-07-23: 12:54:00
Interesting. There sure are a lot of "Susan/Suzy/Sue" appearing with today's definition....

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-07-23: 13:42:00
Maybe Suzy has an eating reorder ~ James

purpleartichokes - 2007-07-23: 14:16:00
Now listen people what I'm telling you, A-keep away from-a Runaround Sue...

purpleartichokes - 2007-07-23: 14:17:00
(so sue me.)

Osomatic - 2007-07-23: 15:52:00
Wake up, little susie! The definition is late! (Actually for me it's awesome, because normally these are posted in what is the middle of the night for me.)

Clayton - 2007-07-23: 17:51:00
Funny, I'm currently eating at Suzy Q's in downtown Denver. I'll be rejoining you in October, if anybody misses me. In the meantime, be creative! I stole that line.

Kyoti - 2007-07-23: 20:16:00
Although none feature the eating habits of a boy named Sue. How do you do?

Jabberwocky - 2007-07-24: 14:09:00
Hey Clayton - if you check in again, we do miss you. Have a great summer!