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DEFINITION: n., A pesky but persistently painful, and seemingly incurable paper cut, which simply refuses to heal. n. To cut or injure a "high use" body part, like a fingertip, knuckle or tongue.
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Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: stab/in/a/bill/i/tee
Sentence: He was unable to shuffle cards at the casino due to his stabinability.
Etymology: stab + inability + stability
Created by: Rhyme79
Pronunciation: ree-petty-payne
Sentence: I've got this repetipain on my finger. I swear every time I left click my mouse.
Etymology: Repeat+pain = repetipain
Created by: BSqueeze4
Pronunciation: Injur-rance
Sentence: The split toenail could really prove to be an injurance for her.
Etymology: Injury+Hindrance
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: KRON-i-kut
Sentence: Nothing seemed to work. Barry tried Band-aids, antiseptic ointment and iodine. He just couldn't get the cronicut on the tip of his tongue to heal.
Etymology: Cronic (persistent, long-standing, long-term; incurable) Cut (make an opening, incision, or wound)
Good word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-05: 01:45:00
Created by: LoftyDreamer
Pronunciation: payn-agayn, preferably pronounced in the snooty British way, a la Eliza Doolittle.
Sentence: After injuring herself with the needle while finishing her latest creation, and despite the painagain reasserting its presence, she was determined to finish the hem of the skirt before Tim Gunn called the contestants to the runway.
Etymology: pain (as in "ouch") + again (as in over and over and over)
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: cut/stray/shun
Sentence: Sally felt deep cutstration whenever she tried to unpick the stitches she'd so cautiously sewn. Her part time job shelling shrimp (crustaceans) didn't help.
Etymology: cut + frustration + crustacean
Bring out your dead. - metrohumanx, 2008-09-03: 08:46:00
Cutstration is dangerously close to.....nevermind! It makes my toes curl up just to think of it. - metrohumanx, 2008-09-03: 08:54:00
Ouch! Interesting blend - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-05: 01:47:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: cut/stray/shun
Sentence: Sally felt deep cutstration whenever she tried to unpick the stitches she'd so cautiously sewn. Her part time job shelling shrimp (crustaceans) didn't help.
Etymology: cut + frustration + crustacean
Shudderingly close to castration. Great word! - Scrumpy, 2007-10-03: 14:03:00
Good word! Reminds me of this image: - purpleartichokes, 2007-10-03: 15:05:00
funny purple and scrumpy - one should be very circumspective when using a photocopier - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-03: 15:21:00
Etymology: cut, frustration, crustacean - Fantastic! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-03: 18:29:00
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: ee-turn-her-tee
Sentence: every time he cut up a lemon he felt a stinging sensation in his eternhurty
Etymology: eternity, hurt
heh - galwaywegian, 2008-09-03: 06:31:00
fantastic - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-03: 12:18:00
Created by: wordslikevenom
Pronunciation: pap-nip
Sentence: James rolled his eyes as Henrietta stuck out her sore finger, rolling the skin tip backwards and forwards. The papnip's mouth opened and closed to her squeaky high-pitched ventriloquism, "Hello, James ... hello .... hello".
Etymology: Pap(er) - thin flat material which is made from crushed wood. Nip - to bite.

Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James