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DEFINITION: n., Forced small talk used by professional caregivers to put patients at ease. (Not usually effective.) v., To ask insipid questions while subjecting a person to an intimate, awkward or painful procedure.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Koekbroer
Etymology: hospital, talk
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: med/i/gab
Sentence: Dentist's medigab is designed to move the patient's attention past the procedure so they will be somewhat more relaxed.
Etymology: medical + gab
And not freak out when they see the bill. - petaj, 2007-10-16: 09:05:00
Created by: BigKP
Pronunciation: Ew-mp-a-fone
Sentence: The doctor continued to make ompafone with me during the procedure.
Etymology: Ompa- funny little people fone- projection
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: dentachatər
Sentence: To avoid the dentachatter Ron would sometimes pretend to doze off. Even when he flinched the dentist allowed him to continue the ruse.
Etymology: dental (of or relating to the teeth) + chatter (talk rapidly or incessantly about trivial matters)
Created by: pendraghon
Pronunciation: snüz-LO-qwate
Sentence: The dental tech snoozeloquated throughout my cleaning, boring me to tears.
Etymology: snooze (to sleep or nap)origin unknown; Loquate from Loquacious (wordy), Latin loquac-, loquax, from loqui to speak v. snoozeloquate, snoozeloquation, snoozeloquated n. snoozeloquator
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Jabb-wit-er
Sentence: Dr B. Kindly always resorted to the tried and tested method of jabwitter to put his patients at ease while injecting them. He would ask them trivial questions, such as, where they were going for their holiday or what they intended to have for lunch to distract their attention away from the pain. After twenty years in the profession he found this was the best tactic to use on most people.
Etymology: Jab(a hypodermic injection) + Witter(to speak about trivial matters) = Jabwitter
Created by: jmckays
Pronunciation: pro-prattl-aktion
Sentence: The doctor's proprattlaction proved ineffective as the scope slid into an intimate location no one but myself and my closest lovers had gone before...
Etymology: professional; prattle; distraction
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: di-strakt-ih-gab
Sentence: Part of medical training is a day of distractigab techniques, tips for safe topics and appropriate tone of voice. They generally pratice on squirrels and rats.
Etymology: distract + gab (yammer, chat)
Love the word!!! So descriptive. - FayeWord, 2007-10-17: 17:47:00
Created by: sarabriggs
Pronunciation: stum-ble-mum-ble
Sentence: this situation couldn't be any worse because you have at least twenty fingers in your mouth, including grinding power tools that cant touch your toungue. so talking in the back of your throat is all that can really go on. maybe you should become a ventriliquist and learn how to speak correctly without moving your lips. stumble and mumble over all the words you can get out you ventriliquist you.
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: med/i/gab
Sentence: Dentist's medigab is designed to move the patient's attention past the procedure so they will be somewhat more relaxed.
Etymology: MEDIGAB - noun - from - MEDICAL + GAB
Verbotomy - 2007-10-16: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you again remistram! ~ James
OZZIEBOB - 2007-10-16: 05:32:00
Great definition and cartoon. Recently, I have had the need to attend a variety of medical professionals, and find that they engage in a fair bit of small talk. Dentists , by far, chatter and, also, seem to recommend the use of a wide range of products.
Verbotomy - 2007-10-16: 17:54:00
Thanks Ozziebob! I too have been at the dentist and walked out not only with a sore tooth, but also with a sore ear. ~ James
lumina - 2008-09-11: 00:50:00
lumina - 2008-09-11: 00:56:00
Sorry bout that...didn't meant to comment...hit wrong button.
Verbotomy - 2010-02-11: 00:03:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James