Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., A gallant gesture which does not produce the desired effect because of poor execution. v., To offer a small gesture of assistance, which backfires as you trip over your own kind intentions.
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Created by: thebaron
Sentence: If it wasn't for his genteelgaffe, she might have spoken to him.
Created by: idavecook
Pronunciation: JA-BOWL
Sentence: As Dan had been planning for months, he finally decided to take his chance when suddenly he got his neck caught in the dore, all the while while jaboling Diane.
Created by: Koekbroer
Pronunciation: bung-gil-min
Etymology: a contraction of "bungling gentleman"
Created by: wordslikevenom
Pronunciation: Oup-don-k
Sentence: In the parallel universe, Sir Walter wasn't so lucky. Having laid his cloak over a puddle for the Queen to step onto so that she wouldn't muddy her feet, little did he realise it was well over 3 metres deep ..."Oopdonk!" went the crowd.
Etymology: Oops - an expression of surprise or feeling sorry about a mistake or slight accident. Donk (onomatopoeia) - Comedic knocking noise.
Created by: milorush
Pronunciation: (n.) fō-sĭl'ĭ-tā'shən; (tr. v.) fō-sĭl'ĭ-tāt'
Sentence: Henri's poor reflexes and terrible eyesight usually turn his eager attempts to help his friends into nightmarish and dangerous moments of fauxcilitation which usually finish up at the local emergency room.
Etymology: Faux = from faux pas = blunder + [fac]ilitation = The act of making easy or easier.
A shade of meaning might include a subconscious lack of desire to actually help out, which might lead to a purposeful poor or "fake" ("faux") effort to assist. - milorush, 2007-10-26: 07:04:00
A shade of meaning might include a subconscious lack of desire to actually help out, which might lead to a purposefully poor or "fake" ("faux") effort to assist. - milorush, 2007-10-26: 07:05:00
Interesting and good blend! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-28: 02:28:00
Created by: svnfsvn
Pronunciation: based on gomer/homer
Sentence: I appeared gomeresge when my pants ripped during changing tire on freeway.
Created by: mplsbohemian
Pronunciation: BAK-skwyre
Sentence: Alex, ever the backsquire, spread out his coat for his date to cross a puddle, only to put her in the way of the spray of a speeding car.
Etymology: backfire + squire (a gentleman)
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: harm/o/nee/us
Etymology: harmonious + harm + maon
Created by: Lidipop
Pronunciation: Klob-er-jess-t
Sentence: when i realized the good intention had gone badly, her "clobbergest" was just the begining of a series of unintentional punishments!!! :)
Etymology: Clobbering(to defeat overwhelmingly)+ gest/gesture(something said or done by way of formality or courtesy)= clobbergest
I was thinking also that a guest was being clobbered. - petaj, 2007-10-27: 02:02:00
Created by: lumina
Pronunciation: ed/i/twit
Sentence: Poor Eugene was always trying to gain points with the ladies. Unfortunately his attempts at opening doors, putting down his coat over puddles and the like, would always backfire. Instead of being known as the "knight in shining armor" of the apartment building, he was known as etitwit of the lobby.
Etymology: Etiquite: Rules of behavior, propriety, decorum, manners. Twit: A foolish or annoying person.
Verbotomy - 2007-10-26: 00:30:00
Today's definition was suggested by ErWenn. Thank you ErWenn! ~ James
petaj - 2007-10-26: 04:21:00
After you. No after you. No after you. No after yooooooeeeeouwwww!
Kevcom - 2007-10-26: 07:38:00
Awesome cartoon James! That is so funny - I was almost dyin' of laughter of the expression on the guys face...
Verbotomy - 2007-10-26: 10:05:00
Thanks to Kevcom and Petaj for your hurteous thoughts and magnanimistakian clobbergestures ~ James
Lidipop - 2007-10-26: 10:19:00
I actually printed this one's so good, well done!!!
Verbotomy - 2007-10-26: 17:46:00
We must not forget to thank ErWenn again for his generous courteslip. ~ James
purpleartichokes - 2007-10-26: 18:57:00
Yes, thank you ErWenn and James. Fabulous contributions from you two!
yellowbird - 2008-09-24: 11:49:00
Haven't we seen this definition before?
petaj - 2008-09-26: 04:19:00
Yep - looking forward to some new ones
Verbotomy - 2010-02-23: 00:10:00
Today's definition was suggested by ErWenn. Thank you ErWenn. ~ James