Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: To imagine that you are peace dove, or maybe a pigeon, flying high above the crowd and dropping your best wishes on everyone.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Hobart
Sentence: Sitting in the park on a bench, looking at all of those stuck up attractive women, I quickly became contemptlative, considering them screaming ten feet below my flight of doom.
Etymology: Contempt and Contemplative
Created by: camel
Pronunciation: Es-ka-fate
Sentence: Julio would often escafate at the sight of his neighbors' pentagram lawn mowing parties & their increasingly dark powers.
Etymology: Escalate, defecate
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: pas/uh/fowl
Sentence: Just released as 1 of the 143 doves at the opening of the Olympic games, I was determined to pacifoul the stadium crowd.
Etymology: pacify + foul
Created by: memexikon
Pronunciation: crap mas
Sentence: The angels of light have annointed you with the divine essence of crapmas.
Etymology: crap + christmas
In eastern Europe it is actually considered good luck if a pigeon craps on you. - memexikon, 2006-12-18: 09:27:00
Created by: erwalter
Pronunciation: a·vi·an·fe·ver
Sentence: She would often sit and daydream about coming down with avianfever so that she could leave all her worries behind.
Etymology: avian-bird; fever-illness or like
Created by: Bunny36
Pronunciation: mal-ahlms
Sentence: He received a malalms to his suprise and horror.
Etymology: Taked from the words mal and alms.
Created by: omista
Pronunciation: con-tem-guan-tri-bUt
Sentence: Jane was stuck in line at the airport security, late for her plane with no power to do anything about it, all that was left for her was a special gift for the NSA: contemguantribution. After all it is the thought that counts, right.
Etymology: contem(plate), guan(o), (retri/contri)tribution

camel - 2006-12-18: 13:38:00
All these nouns & adjectives really irk me; in fact, I'm escafating at the thought of you nounoticists & adjectivists.
ErWenn - 2006-12-18: 13:45:00
This may be a case of a definition carrying too much content. Why the imagining? Why not "To drop your best wishes on everyone, as a peace dove or pigeon"? Or maybe just "To poop on someone, as a dove or pigeon"? You can always elaborate the circumstances in the little comic (which always amuses me, by the way).
ErWenn - 2006-12-18: 13:46:00
I like the new set-up as far as it hides voting results and rankings and how it randomizes the words, but it'd be nice if I could get a list of all the words submitted. Otherwise, I keep hitting "More..." over and over again, just in case I missed one randomly.
gwenaverill - 2006-12-18: 14:51:00
Definitely. Also, I'm having a hard time finding the results now, even for words I've already voted on.
gwenaverill - 2006-12-18: 14:53:00
You know something else that might work well? Have a time window for submitting verboticisms and a different time window for voting on them. For example, we submit the definitions of this word all day today, and then new words cannot be created, and tomorrow we vote on all the entries at the same time as we create the next verboticism. It would cut down on the "early bird" syndrome in voting.
Hey ErWenn and Gwenaverill, Thanks for your comments! We are in the early days of the game so we appreciate your suggestions. We will make a complete list verboticisims available, and we are workinfg on the timing. Thanks ~ James