Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A person who has the highly developed ability to communicate on a direct level with any type of animal, except for human beings. v. To talk to animals because you know that communicating with people is useless.
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Created by: ziggy
Pronunciation: an-i-ver-bos-it-ous
Sentence: Melissa was the most Aniverbositous soul I'd ever happened upon. She would go shopping and refuse to speak to the salesperson unless it was through a pidgeon, she called it using pidgeon English.
Etymology: Ani: derived from animal, verb: from verbal:having plenty to say! Bositous cos it sounds like bossy toes!!
pidgeon english. heh. - stache, 2008-03-30: 20:44:00
Created by: doseydotes
Pronunciation: ˈfret-ˈtü-ˈbrü-ˈte
Sentence: Celia rushed home at night, anxious to see her three cats. They were friends to her like no one else; they always listened to her worries with what was apparent sympathy. They were calm and patient and loving, just like she wished her human friends could be. She had taken to talking to them from the minute she got up – even while she was in the shower - because she knew they’d be alone all day, lost without her. At the last possible minute, when she had just barely enough time to make it to work, she left. As soon as the door closed, one of the male cats always turned to the other one and rolled his eyes. “I know. I know,” the second cat would always say (it had turned into a running joke between them) “what a freakin’ fretubrute.”
Etymology: From the Transylvanian, fret, a diminutive of Frederick; from the LeHigh, tu bru, meaning literally "please bring me a couple of bottles of whatever tasty fermented starch-based hop-flavored beverage is most readily available"; and from the Buckwheat, te, an abbreviated version of "otay," meaning "everything is going to be just fine, sir."
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: PET ah gog
Sentence: The reason Ann Noy talks with animals is that no people WANT to talk with her. She is a petagogue, spewing her dog-ma all the time. She talks until she's horse. People are too cowed by her obviously superior intelligence to ox her what she's talking about, and it's too difficult to ferret out the meaning. Everyone ducks when they see her coming, and they just want to bat her away. So she long ago gave up trying to figure out why people were so catty about her, and retreated, tortoiselike, to her cocoon to live out her days as an animal whisperer.
Etymology: pet + pedagogue (a person who teaches, instructs, or talks in a manner that is excessively dogmatic, shows off his or her learnedness or overemphasizes minor details)
Hart-felt story...porpoiseful and not boaring! - Nosila, 2010-06-04: 23:55:00
Created by: DrWebsterIII
Pronunciation: zoo' - chat
Sentence: Jodi was a real quackadoodle when it came to the animal kingdom, she much preferred to zoochat with the animals than the human race
Etymology: zoo ( Gr. animals) + chat (talk, converse, communicate)
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: pet/ril/o/quist
Sentence: A petriloquist is an interpeter who can understand and mimic pets.
Etymology: pet + ventriloquist
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: fawn/eh/tic/al
Sentence: Josie was highly faunetical and could use her grasp of faunics to communicate with fauna all over the world.
Etymology: phonetic + fauna
Josie is obviously a highly talented human willing and able to faunacate with all animals. Another brilliant word! - Stevenson0, 2008-03-28: 07:00:00
She is particularly faund of farm animals, especially Mr. Ed because of his large........vocabulary. - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-28: 08:57:00
Excellent: great use of "fauna". Is she the same Josie of "Josie and the Pussycats" fame? I guess she spoke to them in "Catalan " What a faunabulary! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-28: 23:30:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: tell-e-pet-ist
Sentence: Carmina had one up on Dr. Dolittle. Not only could she communicate with her menagerie of animals, but as a telepetist she could send and receive messages with them using only the power of her mind.
Etymology: telepathist (one who can communicate directly without using sensory perception) + tell (a mode of communication) + pet (domestic animal)
love the sound of telepetist - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-28: 11:10:00
Good One...being telepetist is way better than being telepathetic! - Nosila, 2008-03-28: 23:05:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: crit - er - patr
Sentence: Helga had a gift that enabled her to 'converse' with all sorts of animals and whenever she was around them she'd keep up a continual twitter of critterpatter.
Etymology: critter and patter
love it - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-28: 11:23:00
Created by: naxos22
Pronunciation: duck - lip - whisper-er
Sentence: A ducklipwhisperer speaks to ducks
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: pet spur antow
Sentence: Not only could she speak petsperanto, she could tweet.
Etymology: esperanto, pet
Verbotomy - 2008-03-28: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by leechdude. Thank you leechdude. ~ James
stache - 2008-03-28: 01:36:00
Great 'toon, as usual. Thanks for the def, too, leechdude.
stache - 2008-03-28: 17:48:00
thanks, JW.
stache - 2008-03-28: 17:50:00
oops. wrong box.
Verbotomy - 2009-05-18: 00:01:01
We are starting our summer season at Verbotomy today -- which means we are re-doing some of favorite Verbotomies from the past. Today's definition was suggested by leechdude. Thank you leechdude ~ James
readerwriter - 2009-05-18: 10:06:00
Whew...thanks for the update! I thought it was reducks...
Verbotomy - 2009-05-18: 10:28:00
Reducks revisited... ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-06-04: 00:11:00
Today's definition was suggested by leechdude. Thank you leechdude. ~ James
LunnonFurl - 2018-06-06: 13:27:00
Israfaceneeme - 2018-06-06: 19:12:00
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