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'Yes Boss, I am sick as a dog'

DEFINITION: v., To create the impression that you are deathly ill and represent a potentially lethal bio-hazard risk, so that your boss will ask you to "take the next couple of days off". n., A faked illness.

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Created by: bobbythebuilder

Pronunciation: chaca-chac-bam-bam

Sentence: chacachacbambam is the best band ever.


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: môrtəsäpərandēdī

Sentence: Never one to do things in a small way, when he wanted to extend his vacation in Hawaii, Jason called in dead... well nearly dead. His mortisoperandi was to have his wife report to his boss that he had contracted a possibly fatal disease. Just to be sure that nobody got clever enough to visit it was reported that he was in quarantine.

Etymology: mortis (death) + modus operandi (a particular way or method of doing something)


karenanne Good one - karenanne, 2010-03-02: 10:47:00


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Created by: sugarinthegourd

Pronunciation: fō-tā'-jən

Sentence: Bob was supposed to work the Thursday after Thanksgiving, but he was struck down by a post-holiday fauxtagion.

Etymology: Faux, contagion

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Created by: Eyeshah

Pronunciation: /scam-uh-LAW-toe-sis/

Sentence: It became apparent to Lieza's boss that she was suffering from a case of scamalotosis after Lieza called in sick for the eighth day that week.

Etymology: scam + alot + osis (affected with, condition, abnormal process)

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Created by: FreakoSpeako


Sentence: I had to trake my boss today.


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Created by: mmmagique




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Created by: blackkittynili

Pronunciation: muey-buey-buey-muey

Sentence: i really am muybuybuying my boss

Etymology: i donow bhg guhf loujhf olujhf oulhf oluhf olujhf olujhf olujhf of oujhf ouhf ouhf ouhf ouf oufyuo uyfyuoyf uyf ouyf yu ofuyf uyo fuyof uoyf uyof yuo uyo fuyo fuyof yu fouyf yu fyu fuyf uoy fuy foufuyfuo uyf ouyf ouyf ouyf ouyf ouyf ouyf yuof yuov yu ofty


muybuybuymuy - blackkittynili, 2007-11-04: 04:07:00


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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: sel yu LIE tis

Sentence: When Larry called into work and said he couldn't get out of bed because he had cellulietis, that was technically accurate, since he WAS using his CELL phone to LIE about not coming in. The "couldn't get out of bed" part was because his long-distance girlfriend was visiting!

Etymology: cellulitis + lie

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Created by: icefoxgothic

Pronunciation: bra(long a)-da

Sentence: I never get vacations so I had to breda to my boss.

Etymology: Break-To pause or stop and day-like monday

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: môrtalətempərerē

Sentence: Jim’s condition was classified as mortalitempory. As he described it to his boss, he was near death but miraculously recovered once the work day was done.

Etymology: mortality (the state of being subject to death) + temporary (lasting for only a limited period of time)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-11-02: 01:55:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram and svnfsvn. Thank you remistram and svnfsvn! ~ James'

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-11-02: 12:29:00
Thanks to everyone for joining me at our Blog Party yesterday to celebrate Verbotomy's first birthday. It was a lot of fun. Thanks! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-03-01: 00:08:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram svnfsvn. Thank you remistram svnfsvn. ~ James