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'The numbers are falling!'

DEFINITION: v. To get freaked out by falling numbers and the prophets of doom who are eternally peddling their message of imminent global collapse. n. A type of mass hysteria created by the fear of falling numbers.

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: sueth/dee/kay

Sentence: Economic soothsayers are the harbingers of soothdecay. A positive outlook and good dollar hygiene is what the world needs now.

Etymology: sooth (reality) + decay + soothsayer + tooth decay


petaj thaths tho funny - petaj, 2009-03-03: 06:53:00

GlobalGallery Clever use of a single letter. You can make a dental patient crazy. Just change the d to an m. - GlobalGallery, 2009-03-03: 07:52:00

reminds me of the old saw ... dental floss for the brain! Super sentence. Super word! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-03: 12:11:00


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Created by: yellowbird

Pronunciation: doll-are-us

Sentence: Jim was so dollarous after reading the financial news and examining his shrunken nest egg that he bought a bugle and, after burying his quarterly statement in his backyard, played Taps over it in the soft winter twilight. The next day his neighbor, an elderly veteran, offered his sympathies and a coupon for ten free music lessons at a nearby shop.

Etymology: dolor(anguish), dollar, and delirious

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Created by: D4ng3rismymiddlename

Pronunciation: Sounds like "jumpers" but with a chump instead of a jump!


Etymology: Chick + chump + jump

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: dijitroumə

Sentence: Mike didn’t even know it was raining so you can imagine his surprise when he walked into hail storm of falling numbers. He just dodged his credit score only to be smacked in the head by his 401(k). After a quick trip to the digitrauma room he is afraid to go outside. He has heard rumors that the financial climate is swarming with bears.

Etymology: digit (any of the numerals from 0 to 9) + trauma (emotional shock following a stressful event or a physical injury)

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: nume-er-roe-el-freak-oh

Sentence: I was watching an online video of a guy named Sigmund that thought he was Nostradamus and could predict the future via numerology. As I sat watching the "numeroelfreako" I soon realized that all the fluff he was saying made no sense at all and that I had wasted 5 minutes of my time watching and listening to a freak!

Etymology: Nurmero;numbers. El;Them. Freak-o;A freak of nature,a predictor of future happenings that have no logistical value.

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: hahz deek

Sentence: the nasdeq wobbled then fell, becoming a nasdeek before lunch

Etymology: nasdeq eeek

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Created by: GlobalGallery

Pronunciation: arma-geddon-owta-heer

Sentence: "Wow! you really love baked beans" said Mike as he stared into Percy's full shopping trolley. "There for my bomb shelter up in Dead Man's Canyon" exclaimed Percy, "Next week the three moons of Zarcan will align with the cosmic aura of Xantoras and all who walk the Earth shall perish in the rain of unholy fire, so armageddonouttahere". "Oh" said Mike, "I just thought they were on special".

Etymology: 1.armageddon - catastrophic destruction. 2.I'm out of here - an expression of intent to leave a location.


hehe - galwaywegian, 2009-03-03: 09:09:00

a bit out of this world! (wink/big grin) - silveryaspen, 2009-03-03: 12:19:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: did jit de leer ee um

Sentence: The chicks were all racing around when the numbers started falling down on them. It created digitdelirium and any deaths caused by the falling numbers would have been considered fowl play.

Etymology: Digit (number) & Delirium (state of violent mental agitation; hysteria)

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: pi/doo/mee/er/ee

Sentence: All the financial analyzers have jumped on the pedoomiary bandwagon.

Etymology: PEDOOMIARY - noun - from PECUNIARY (pertaining to money) + DOOM (adverse fate; unavoidable ill fortune)

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Created by: r8ken




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