Vote for the best verboticism.

'Are you sure that you don't have athlete's foot?'

DEFINITION: v. To have a medical condition or illness and yet continually deny it, even after your doctor has diagnosed it. n. A person who steadfastly refuses to accept a medical diagnosis or to follow the prescribed treatment.

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Created by: scarletzinc




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Created by: shoeshineboy

Pronunciation: SKOF-fer

Sentence: I can't stand when all the scoughers come to work and get everyone else sick when they KNOW they are contagious.

Etymology: scoff + cougher

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: con - trah - dok - tur - ee

Sentence: Roger was always contradoctory... No matter the diagnosis, he always knew better and did not accept test findings or expert opinions. One wondered why he bothered to seek medical care at all.

Etymology: contradictory, doctor


Because he can only get prescriptions from his doctor...same reason many people go to their doctor! Good Word! - Nosila, 2009-05-28: 10:44:00

artr Great word! - artr, 2009-05-28: 11:50:00

Mystery solved, Nosila.....the prescriptions of course!! Thanks... - mweinmann, 2009-05-28: 11:56:00

Excellent! - Mustang, 2009-05-28: 18:42:00


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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: spurn-jun

Sentence: Despite having an appendix the size of a cantaloupe, Jen remained a spurngeon, claiming it was just a case of bad gas.

Etymology: spurn, surgeon


Like a spurngeon, denying for the very first time.... - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-09: 16:17:00

(like a spuuuuuruuuuruuurrrgeon, when your 'script' ain't, what I had in mind...) Oh well, better than having the theme from Grease stuck in my head (which reminds me about the whole cholesterol issue). - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-09: 19:26:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: med-i-con-tra-dic-shon

Sentence: Lois' medicontradiction worried her family. Not only did she continue to deny her condition, but it was grossing everyone out. When they made her eat on the patio, she finally accepted the fact that she needed medication.

Etymology: medication + medical condition + contradiction (to deny or refute)


Yes....time to get a prescription!! Good word. - mweinmann, 2009-05-28: 12:12:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: med/i/kay/shun

Sentence: Because of a severe overdose of an incorrect prescription ten years ago, John goes into a medicashun mode refusing to take any drugs his doctor prescribes for his ailments.

Etymology: medicine + shun

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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: něg'ə-flĭk'shən

Sentence: "Garth, go get that thing taken care of!" Tanya cajoled. "It's no big deal," Garth negafflicted. "The doctor said it's completely malignant."

Etymology: 'ne,' from Python, of the Knights who say so; 'gaf,'var. of 'gaff,' a metal spur for a gamecock; 'flic,' action taken with one's BIC; 'tion,' take pains to avoid.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: nätmē

Sentence: Despite what the doctor told him Jason returned with a diagnosis of allswell. He had already self-prescribed a generous dose of notme.

Etymology: not (used to express the negative of other words) + me (pronoun, first person singular)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: dee nye ag no sis

Sentence: "Congratulations, Bertha, you are pregnant and will be expecting twins in 6 months time!", said Dr.Pepper. But Bertha cried "No"..."Dr.Pepper, that is a denyagnosis...I could not possibly be pregnant, nevermind having twins!" "Why not?"asked Dr.Pepper..."You did have saex with someone 3 months ago, did you not?" "Yes", said Bertha, "But it was only one time with one guy, Bertie...everyone knows you have to do it more than once or with 2 guys to get twins!!!"

Etymology: Deny (declare untrue; contradict;refuse to accept or believe) & Diagnosis (identifying the nature or cause of some phenomenon)


artr I submitted a word today but I'm not sure why. This one is perfect! - artr, 2009-05-28: 05:06:00

geat word!! - mweinmann, 2009-05-28: 12:09:00

Best of the day! - Mustang, 2009-05-28: 18:40:00


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Created by: catgrin

Pronunciation: il-strich

Sentence: I've known friends to illstrich on occasion, but Todd is a world-class illstricher. There are sores all over his lips, but he swears he's not the 1-in-4 who's got herpes! How can he keep illstriching like he's totally healthy?

Etymology: From "ill" and a contraction of "ostrich" (a large, flightless bird fabled to hide its head in the sand at the first sign of danger)


nice - galwaywegian, 2010-06-15: 05:14:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-04-09: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-05-28: 00:17:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James