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'I can't believe you left me here all day. Alone!'

DEFINITION: n., A sulky look characterized by prolonged eye contact, which pets give their owners and/or spouses when they feel neglected. v., To stare at someone with a sad-eyed look in an effort to make them feel guilty.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: pet peep

Sentence: When Jenny returned from holdays every year, she got the same treatment from her menagerie...the petpeep. Even though she had ensured someone would come by daily to feed, water, talk to them and change their litter areas, it took a week for them to forgive her. The guinea pig glared, the beta was baleful, the cat was contemptuous, the sheepdog looked sheepish and the Siamese cat was sulky.

Etymology: Pet (a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement;a fit of petulance or sulkiness (especially at what is felt to be a slight)& Peep (a secret look; to look furtively)also Wordplay on Pet Peeve (an opportunity for complaint that is seldom missed)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Goggle-oomee

Sentence: The goggleoomy expression on her face and in her eyes told of the sadness in her heart

Etymology: Goggle + gloomy

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Created by: vixphilia

Pronunciation: Gulk.

Sentence: v.: Fido couldn't stop gulking at me when I arrived from my vacation. n.: My mom gives me her full-on gulk whenever I forget calling.

Etymology: Gulk: Guilt + Sulk

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Created by: sallybeth

Pronunciation: man-ip-e-sad

Sentence: She gave me a long manipisad to tell me how long it's been since i took her for a walk.

Etymology: manipulate and sad

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Created by: LoftyDreamer

Pronunciation: piti-pout

Sentence: With his pitipout, Pooki, my pitiful Pomeranian, left me no choice but to quit my job and stay home to keep him company.

Etymology: pity (a feeling of empathy for another) + pout (a droopy facial expression of dismay or disappointment)

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: stay r tling

Sentence: The eye contact she found staretling

Etymology: startling, stare

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Created by: jhill1229

Pronunciation: you blue it

Sentence: My wife gave me the uebluit eye, letting me know I was sleeping on the couch tonight.

Etymology: From the Latin: ueble, a person who makes mistakes.

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: peek/a/blue

Sentence: Apache, Laura's dog, after being sad and lonely all day would whine and play peekablue with her when she got home from work.

Etymology: PEEKABLUE - noun - from PEEK (a quick, or furtive look, or glance; peep) + BLUE (dejected, depressed, despondent, down-hearted, downcast, glum, melancholy)

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Created by: vmalcolm

Pronunciation: /meglænskəli/

Sentence: When I arrived home, my pet gave me one of those meglancholies, and I couldn't help to feel guilty about leaving it alone the whole afternoon...

Etymology: MEGLANCECHOLY. n. From Melancholy + Glance

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Created by: emilylind

Pronunciation: lowguiltify is pnownced 'low' ad then the word 'guilt' and then 'fy'.

Sentence: My pet decided to lowguiltify he for making her feel neeglected .


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-22: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James

remistram - 2007-10-22: 10:34:00
Came up with this one thanks to my sucky-baby cat.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-22: 11:32:00
Your pet inspiration! ~ James

ErWenn - 2007-10-22: 19:09:00
Petspiration? Nah, sounds a little too much like dog sweat.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-23: 03:03:00
Pet sweat? That smells like a good idea for a definition. I will put it on the list. Thanks ErWenn! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-02-17: 00:17:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James

galwaywegian - 2011-07-06: 04:33:00