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'What do you think of my latest dance moves?'

DEFINITION: n. A person who, despite professional lessons and incessant practice, cannot dance without looking like a ruptured goose. v. To dance in an awkward or clumsy manner.

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Created by: focusteacher

Pronunciation: kor uh sep tik

Sentence: She wanted to dance, but Emily didn't know she'd been asked by a choreseptic.

Etymology: From the Greek khoros=dance, and the Greek septos=putrefying or rotten.

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: mam - bau - zau

Sentence: Sylvester did his best. He took lessons, he practiced and he watched famous dancers but all he could conjure up was the mambozo.

Etymology: mambo (a latin dance, similar in rhythm to the rumba), Bozo (a clown)


mrskellyscl Great! I read this to the husband and he did a spit-take with his coffee. LOL! - mrskellyscl, 2009-07-10: 09:42:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: kawr-ee-awk-ruh-fee

Sentence: I'm not sure you could say that Ronnie can't dance. He certainly has some interesting and athletic moves. It's just that his choeawkraphy and exuberance make it dangerous to be near him.

Etymology: choreography (the art of composing ballets and other dances) + awkward (lacking skill or dexterity)

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Created by: leeminho




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Created by: scrabbelicious

Pronunciation: |bʌk|ː|ˈɔ|ː|wɔːk|

Sentence: Wally was a former member of the KKK who used to, but never really got the hang of, wearing a sheet over his head during ceremonial performance. The resulting trip was often interpreted as a two left footed step but in fact was the initial move of the Wally BuckAwlkWalk. Not to get in too much of a flap about it, Wally was known for his awkwardedness.

Etymology: The sound a chicken makes and the associated gait of a feeding chuck

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: co-ORD-in-aynt-ed

Sentence: Finsterwald was totally coordinainted, so much so that he gave new meaning to 'two left feet' fact at times he appeared to have THREE left feet and much to his consternation, he was absolutely unable to perform the footwork to any of the popular dances of the day.

Etymology: Blend of 'coordinated' (adept - skillful) and 'ain't' (alternative to 'isn't')

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Created by: mta147




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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: roo/dofe/nurdy/ev

Sentence: Anna Pavlova's boyfriend thought he was the most graceful dancer on the floor but his bone crunching side kicks earned him the nickname rudeoafnerdyev.

Etymology: rude (clumsy) + oaf (awkward lout)+ nerdy + Rudolf Nureyev


It is tutu much for us! - Nosila, 2009-07-11: 01:40:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: gaw/kee/trot

Sentence: Jenny hates going to weddings with Joe because he always wants to dance, but he can only gawkytrot his way around the dance floor.

Etymology: GAWKY (awkward; ungainly; clumsy) + FOXTROT (a dance in quadruple time; combines short and long and fast and slow steps in fixed sequences)


Fav one, but you used it as a verb in the example... of course, it could be both a noun and a verb. - marumaru, 2009-07-10: 21:12:00


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Created by: SethelMerman

Pronunciation: bleek-dance

Sentence: Steven auditioned for So You Think You Can Dance with his best Bleakdance. "They don't know what they're talking about rejecting me. Those poppers and lockers have nothing on my moves," he said to the person in 23D on his flight back to Indianna.

Etymology: Bleak, without hope or a future + Break dance, style of dancing.


A bleakdance turned into a beakdance for this silly goose...good word! - Nosila, 2009-07-10: 17:50:00

I agree! - splendiction, 2009-07-10: 23:46:00

P.S. Love your name! You\'re the tops! - Nosila, 2009-07-11: 01:46:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-05-29: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by Mustang. Thank you Mustang. ~ James

Mustang - 2008-05-29: 18:13:00
Michael's dancing sounds just like mine. Great word!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-07-10: 00:04:00
Today's definition was suggested by Mustang. Thank you Mustang. ~ James

mrskellyscl mrskellyscl - 2009-07-10: 09:49:00
Whatup with the \\\\\\that appears whenever I type a quote or apostrophe?

artr artr - 2009-07-13: 13:25:00
Guest artist? New style? Reminds me a bit of Shel Silverstein.