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'I am deeply saddened by my master's departure...'

DEFINITION: n., An animal, usually a much loved pet, whose dead and departed owner has bequeathed a huge sum of money solely for its comfort and care. v. To leave part or all of an estate to a pet animal.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: just like beneficiary

Sentence: There was an enormous aquarium smack-bang in the middle of the manor's ballroom. It was a benefishery of the old CODger's estate. He left the manor to his great-nephew providing that he kept the fish in the manner to which they were accustomed. Instead of gravel, the bottom was covered with a layer of glittering gemstones. The fish had their own chef, and fresh water was shipped from Lake Malawi every month to make them feel at home.

Etymology: beneficiary + fish + fishery


Very clever. Hope the great-nephew doesn't become part of the codfish aristocracy! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-22: 07:25:00

petaj No but he had plans to become a Codfather. - petaj, 2007-09-26: 04:42:00


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: glit-ter-CRIT-ter

Sentence: Bob ran "Menagerie Mansion," a home for glittercritters, animagnated pets, whose rich owners had bequeathed millions for their care and comfort. Plutocat, heirabbit and gucchi-poochie were but a few of the residents. Bob remained at all times animated, ready to anticipet the every need of his diamond-decked critterati.

Etymology: Glitter: gold, diamonds, wealth (fig)& critter(slang) creature, animal,pet. Animagnate/animagnatize (vt/v,int)--blend of animal & magnate (wealthy person) & ate/ize.


great words !! - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-21: 10:17:00

Excellent! - Scrumpy, 2007-09-21: 15:56:00

Is Gucci-poochie an heirdale? I'm sure he must be well petigreed. And whatever became of Blingwings? Did Plutocat get him? - ScrabbledEgg, 2007-09-23: 01:05:00


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Created by: phonematode

Pronunciation: thur-oh-bred

Sentence: Sheba was a thoroughbread. Her late owner had thoroughly breaded her with the whole of his considerable estate.

Etymology: thoroughbred + bread, as in dough, as in moolah

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Created by: LadyPepper



Etymology: From the Latin "bestia" meaning animal and the "copia" meaning supply

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Created by: christera


Sentence: i will let my dog petitage me.

Etymology: heritage , pet

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: con/fur

Sentence: It was Edna's last wish to confur all her estate to her much beloved rabbit, who became her sole haresse.

Etymology: confer (bestow) + fur


With that kind of money that rabbit got a lot of tail. - Scrumpy, 2007-09-21: 08:01:00

He cot on to that early in life and had many hare raising adventures - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-21: 10:15:00

With that kind of money there wouldn't be any shortage of confurdantes! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-22: 06:54:00


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Created by: DrWebsterIII

Pronunciation: ˈanə - ˈkwēT͟H

Sentence: Miss Helmsley wished now she had killed him herself, for the estate she thought was all hers, had been aniqueathed to Scruffy!

Etymology: "ani" (from animal) + "queath" (from bequeath = to declare, given by will

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Created by: haldean




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Created by: MissHyde

Pronunciation: Hair-i-tage

Sentence: He leafts his hamster a huge hairitage. I wonder what it'll do with it !

Etymology: hair heritage

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˈpɛtskɹoʊ/

Sentence: When her father's estate was placed in petscrow to take care of his favorite mouse for the remainder of its brief life, she thanked her stars that he hadn't left anything to his tortoise.

Etymology: From pet + escrow

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-09-21: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by OZZIEBOB. Thank you OZZIEBOB! ~ James

ErWenn - 2007-09-22: 16:44:00
Lots of obvious ways to go today...I think today's winner will likely be the one who got here first.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-01-19: 00:09:00
Today's definition was suggested by OZZIEBOB . Thank you OZZIEBOB . ~ James

DrWebsterIII DrWebsterIII - 2012-10-24: 01:31:00
GENIUS!!! (how'd I miss it)

hyperborean hyperborean - 2012-10-24: 14:26:00
Yesterday and today's definitions are giving me deja vu. Haven't we done these once before?

DrWebsterIII DrWebsterIII - 2012-10-25: 00:34:00
maybe we have to branch out and come up with definitions

DrWebsterIII DrWebsterIII - 2012-10-25: 15:57:00
EVERYONE HAD A GREAT WORD!!! but i'm giving Sethyll the crown today