Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To sit in your car and repeatedly honk your horn, so that your passengers, who are waiting inside the house, know you are ready to go. n. A person who uses a car horn as an multi-purpose communication tool.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: fabdiva
Pronunciation: blow-ed-rage
Sentence: Mike needed a ride to the game but was hesitant to accept Gavin's offer, having been the victim of his blowedrage in the past.
Etymology: Blow - (trans.) - of a horn. Rage - an instance of aggressive behaviour caused by a stressful or frustrating situation.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: honk ees ta dor
Sentence: Honkistador, your Mustang stands in need of company And like some horny gigolo now, you reek of rudity!
Etymology: Honk (to sound/use the horn of a car) & Conquistador ("Conqueror" in Spanish language;Spanish explorers/adventurers who conquered Mexico and Peru in the 16th century; also song title by group Procol Harum in 1967)
clever - mweinmann, 2009-05-01: 11:39:00
very funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-01: 13:39:00
Honkistador - ha ha! Well done. - splendiction, 2009-05-01: 16:48:00
Love it!!! - libertybelle, 2009-05-04: 09:09:00
Created by: Koekbroer
Pronunciation: horn bag
Sentence: Wow, what a racket! Is that your brother out there sitting on the horn like a hornbag?
Etymology: horn + douche bag
Created by: phoenix89
Pronunciation: Omni - honk -ist
Sentence: Some people like to use their car honks to signal everyone for everything. n. To assume people know what you want just by you honking your car horn or any sound producing tool of the like.
Etymology: Omni : all / Honk : to cause a sond. / ist : someone who practices a certain thing.
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: clax-ehn-ayt-ehr
Sentence: Rufus was an ardent and often obnoxious claxonator who could always be depended upon to use his car horn as a signaling device, rather than just going to the door to alert folks that he's ready to roll.
Etymology: 'Claxon' (v. to sound loudly; - of car horns) with suffix '-ator' to denote one who 'does something'
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: beep kreep
Sentence: The neighbors called Jeff, Captain Hornblower, because he never got out of his car when he called on Nancy. Her father thought him just a beepcreep, who showed no respect, because he'd never even bothered to meet the family when he first came calling on his daughter. One morning he woke up and thought somewone had been in his garage, but nothing seemed amiss. That is until he drove up to Nancy's house and pressed the car horn. Instead of the usual beep, the noise of a grunting pig bellowed throughout the neighborhood. The racket was so embarassing, he stopped pressing the horn. If only he'd bothered to meet Nancy's family, he would have learned that her brother was famous for his custom car horn jobs...
Etymology: Beep (a short high tone produced as a signal or warning;call, summon, or alert with a beeper;make a loud noise) & Creep (someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric
haha funny! - remistram, 2010-11-15: 08:51:00
Created by: someperson101
Pronunciation: mæstərhɑŋkəs
Sentence: The masterhonkus can break the steering wheel when mad.
Etymology: mastermind + honk
Created by: DrWebsterIII
Pronunciation: ag're - im pa shent
Sentence: Don Juan couldn't wait for no one, obviously his aggravimpatience, was getting the best of him, and probably to everyone else in earshot
Etymology: aggravate + impatient
But he could wait for someone. Fierce! - hyperborean, 2009-05-03: 21:14:00
Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: rewd-tewt
Sentence: It doesn't bother me so much that my neighbor gets picked up for work by the ambulance every day at 5 am, what really gets me is that her partner insists on summoning her with a rudetoot consisting of every siren for at least 10 minutes.
Etymology: rude + toot - also a play on rooty-toot.
oops, i didn't see that i came so close to someone else's word. I try to create before i read. Sorry! - libertybelle, 2009-05-04: 09:14:00
Created by: kalex
Pronunciation: hor-naa-kew-ler
Sentence: Her mother spoke in the hornacular, just honking and honking rather than going to the door.
Verbotomy - 2009-05-01: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you for giving us the honk! ~ James
splendiction - 2009-05-01: 16:47:00
I wasn't going to play today, but I couldn't resist your definition, metro!
mrskellyscl - 2009-05-01: 17:52:00
These are all so good -- very talented wordsmiths.
abrakadeborah - 2009-05-02: 05:35:00
I haven't wanted to play all week here...but Metrohumnax you've always got the right words to say :) Great definition as always! I do come vote on my favs. I may come back one day and create again...I don't know yet...Ciao!
abrakadeborah - 2009-05-05: 01:15:00
OMGosh another freakin' typo..."Verbotoslap" me Metro! lol METROHUMANX* ya know you're one of my best friends on here...sorry about that typo... :)~ Great definitions as always Metro!
dochanne - 2009-05-06: 00:25:00
Verbotomy - 2010-11-15: 00:15:00
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James