Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To make something worse while attempting to make it better. n. A bad improvement.
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Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /bad-VANS-mehnt/
Sentence: It seems that each new elected politician is a badvancement on the last one. Although they promise improvement after improvement, and all sorts of advancements, things keep going from bad to worse.
Etymology: Bad - of poor or inferior quality; defective (of uncertain origin; meaning of "defective or inferior" first recorded around 1300 AD) + Advancement - a forward step; an improvement (from Old French, avancer "move forward")
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: for/ti/fry
Sentence: Dave thought that adding wires to his breaker panel would fortify his electricity. Little did he know he would fortifry it.
Etymology: fortify + fry
"smokin" - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-15: 11:41:00
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Grimm-proov-mant
Sentence: Since taking the home improvement course at her local college, Jenny couldn't wait to try out her new found skills in her own home, but when her husband saw the new lime green paint job in the lounge he thought it was more like a grimprovement.
Etymology: Grim(depressing, unappealing) + Improvement(The action of improving or improved, to make something better than it was) =Grimprovement
good word..grimpressive - Nosila, 2008-05-15: 01:54:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: reek on struk shun
Sentence: "how do you feel after your latest reekonstruction, mr Jackson?" the waiting media asked. "I'm bad" he said, "I'm bad"
Etymology: reek as in stinking, reconstruction
nice reference to MJ - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-15: 11:45:00
Created by: pieceof314
Pronunciation: un-intend-ment
Sentence: Horace had horrible headaches. He was getting rather desperate. He thought by cutting his head off, he would alleviate the problem. The one unintendment he didn't count on was death.
Etymology: un, not + intend, to direct one's attention towards
Created by: tmcg5625
Pronunciation: in-comp-att-empt
Sentence: "But honey the car looks way cooler now. you cant tell the spoilers made of cardboard and the foil on the wheels make them look like chrome. classy" "I think so too sweetheart. next should get some personalized plates that say INCOMPATTEMPT!"
Etymology: Incompetent- "Duuhh?" Attempt-"yeah i'll give it a go."
great word - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-15: 11:48:00
like it - galwaywegian, 2008-05-15: 12:10:00
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: Ad/wurs/itee
Sentence: They suffered further adworsity when the contractor hung the windows upsidedown.
Etymology: add + worse + adversity
Created by: japanaysian
Pronunciation: Shit-e-gate
Sentence: There was an argument within the group, and Tom shitigated the situation by telling everyone to calm down and stop acting like bitches.
Etymology: Shit + mitigate
Created by: youmustvotenato
Pronunciation: miss-repair
Sentence: With clippers in hand, I began cutting my hair. I kept having to "fix" my mistakes and soon enough, my hair was in misrepair.
Etymology: mistaken; repair
Created by: ZenoX
Pronunciation: shed it
Sentence: She went to a plastic surgeon the other day and shedited her nose. She was telling me all about that present she'll never afford now. Wait till she hears about her embarrassing shedit. She'll probably never admit her mistake.
Etymology: A shit edit, a change that should be hid in a dark place (shed).
Verbotomy - 2008-05-15: 00:01:00
Today's definition is inspired by author and philosopher, Mark Kingwell who I saw last night speaking about "Social Change". He reminded us that not all change is good change. And noted that in German they have word to describe such bad improvements -- Schlimmbesserung -- which we don't have in English. And so it's today's challenge. Thanks Mark! ~ James