Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: v. To identify so strongly with character from a book, show, or urban legend, that you become convinced that the story is actually about you. n., A person who believes they are a fictional character in wonderfully tragic and heroic story.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: met-uh-MOR-fig-ment
Sentence: Gladys was an inveterate daydreamer and when reading or viewing works of fiction would often metamorfigment and have realistic hallucinations wherein she became one of the characters in the story.
Etymology: Blend of 'metamorphosis' (conversion, transformation) and 'figment' (a mere product of mental invention; a fantastic notion)
Great word - TJayzz, 2008-11-17: 12:15:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: shamēlyən
Sentence: Joey is a shameleon. When he goes to a movie or play, he often leaves with the feeling that he is somehow connected to the hero and can do much of what was depicted. He has to be very careful choosing what he goes to see. Bond movies? Trouble! Dukes of Hazard? Wrecked his car! His pet gecko may be in trouble if he goes to see **How to train your dragon**.
Etymology: sham (a thing that is not what it is purported to be) + chameleon (a small slow-moving Old World lizard with a prehensile tail, long extensible tongue, protruding eyes that rotate independently, and a highly developed ability to change color)
sHAMELESS - Nosila, 2010-04-16: 23:19:00
Created by: Banky
Pronunciation: prohl-tag-oh-nizt
Sentence: Despite his convictions that he could easily clean the Augean stables, woo the heart of Estella, or lead the Joad family to the fruitful valleys of California, James was just your average proletagonist working the day shift at Kinko's.
Etymology: prole - short for proletariat, the working class, protagonist (- pro) - the primary character of a piece of fiction
Alas, poor James. :) - yellowbird, 2008-01-24: 15:18:00
James is probably not your average prole, if he's working at Kinko's! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-24: 16:11:00
Created by: thegoatisbad
Pronunciation: R'ego-late
Sentence: Kimberly could regolate with many literary heroes. "I know this book is about me" she would say. Zinnia overheard her say this and asked: "What book is that?" Kimberly's answer: Twilight. Zinnia was not surprised, as Kimberly had previously regonized herself in the writings of Laura Ingalls Wilder, Judy Blume and Moses.
Etymology: Relate (to identify with) + Ego (selfish voice inside your head)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: I ams Bond
Sentence: It was only after he had screeched off in his astin martin that the guests realised that he was an IamesBond. Then all the strange martini demands, leering looks at female guests and the fact he was wearing a tuxedo to a bbq fell into place.
Etymology: James Bond (fictional character) + I + am + bond (to connect with)
i thought the word was Lamesbond for a moment... which works too :) - libertybelle, 2008-11-17: 09:28:00
Very clever - OZZIEBOB, 2008-11-18: 03:12:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: dex/tur/tear/us
Sentence: Mike become so dexterterous that he ritualistically cut up and packaged all his groceries.
Etymology: dexterous + Dexter (TV series)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: tranz - MOG - ruh - fan - see
Sentence: While reading fantasy stories Mary Beth would often transmogrifancy and actually come to believe she was the heroine in the story.
Etymology: Transmogrify + fancy (fantasize)
Anyone that takes a root word from Calvin and Hobbes has my automatic vote. - Banky, 2008-01-24: 15:35:00
Created by: kmartinmt
Pronunciation: de-lusiv-escape
Sentence: "Tommy imagined himself in every heroic movie, and was later diagnosed with Delusivescape."
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: spy dent if fyez
Sentence: Under the clever disguise of a humble sales associate at Home Depot, Sean Moore spydentifies better with his hero, James Bond. Ever vigilant, his imagination in overdrive, he sees KGB agents lurking in Paints...why do they really need fourteen gallons of red paint? Personally Sean prefers his paint shaken, not stirred. That shifty foreign character over in Electrical, is he really buying a new doorbell or parts to build a dirty bomb? And that glamorous femme fatale in Tools...she probably has gotten her marksman accreditation with nail guns and power tools. Sean would like to nail her. And when he goes into the Outdoors Dept., he likes to practise his fencing moves. Touche! Sean stays in top form until the day he will get the call to serve his country and save the the meantime, someone needs mousetraps in aisle 3!
Etymology: Spy (a secret agent hired by a state to obtain information about its enemies or by a business to obtain industrial secrets from competitors;a secret watcher; someone who secretly watches other people;secretly collect sensitive or classified information; engage in espionage) & Identifies ( recognizes as being; establishes the identity of someone or something;considers (oneself) as similar to somebody else)
Some idiot always needs mousetraps. Cute word. - artr, 2010-04-14: 12:17:00

Today's definition was suggested by Dougalistic. Thank you Dougalistic. ~ James
silveryaspen - 2008-01-25: 11:30:00
Everyone got me-deep into this definition!
As a veteran daydreamer, I can tell you that hallucinations ARE real. The good ones, anyway.
Today's definition was suggested by Dougalistic. Thank you Dougalistic. ~ James