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'I am King Kong!'

DEFINITION: v. To identify so strongly with character from a book, show, or urban legend, that you become convinced that the story is actually about you. n., A person who believes they are a fictional character in wonderfully tragic and heroic story.

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: myth-all-a-bout-me

Sentence: Sue loved to read stories of mythallaboutme. In her mind she became the heroine, the ingenue, who had to endure horrible 3 headed beasts and one-eyed giants. They had such wonderful, easy lives and really nice hair. These beautiful women never had to deal with real horrible beasts like Larry, the guy in marketing and her sister who always complained about her boyfriend. She just knew that if she waited long enough some handsome son of a god would come and take her off to a far away land where food was prepared by the chef gods and you didn't ever have to wash the dishes.

Etymology: myth: a fictional story of supernatural beings or heroes that serve to explain the natural world, psychology or customs of a socety + mythology: a body of myths associated with an event, person or institution + all + about + me

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Created by: denduurs




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Created by: idavecook


Sentence: That bitch is really a true Papervain, she actually thinks she's the skinny bitch!

Etymology: Pages and Vanity


Misogynistacular. - Banky, 2008-01-24: 15:40:00


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Created by: Biscotti




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Created by: bananabender

Pronunciation: tranz-sil-vayn

Sentence: Clark (who changed his name by deed poll) was so desperate to live out his hero's adventures that he was found stowing away on Challenger in a bid "to reach his unreachable star". He has a well-developed altar ego.

Etymology: Transilvane: (Superman) a fictional small artificial planet with horror movie character inhabitants. Vain: conceited. In vain: without effect or avail; to no purpose

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Created by: yellowbird

Pronunciation: day-ja-loo

Sentence: Unfortunately, when Sandra read The Metamorphosis to her rodent friend, he experienced such a strong feeling of dejalieu that he turned into a large roach and had to be smashed immediately.

Etymology: deja vu (a familiar feeling) + in lieu of (in place of, or instead of)

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Created by: Nuwanda

Pronunciation: lit-er-NOT-ee

Sentence: Margeau fancied herself as part of the literati, and tried joining book clubs she found through Mensa Yahoo Groups (which, in a remarkably un-genius-like approach, were open for anyone to join). She belied her intelligence, though, when she would lapse into the first person when describing the plot of, say, Anna Karenina. "I was in such despair that throwing myself under the train seemed like my only option," she would intone passionately, only to see all her book club comrades come alive with the realization that she was a liternoti rather than a literati.

Etymology: Literati(literary intelligentsia) changed to incorporate "not"


A Liternoti bad word! - Nosila, 2008-11-17: 20:41:00


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Created by: wackyscience

Pronunciation: Pret-creetu-sell-fing

Sentence: My best friend Aaron started jumping about like a kangaroo today. He never stopped. It's probably because of that show on Australia we watched yesterday. He never seems to be able to stop himself from Pretcreatuselfing. You never know when he might pretcreatuself himself as Steve Jobs, and start spewing Apples from his mouth.

Etymology: Pret(Pretend; fantasy or a myth) + Creatu(Creature; character) + Self(Assuming one's own self).

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Created by: loxhobabl

Pronunciation: by-o-blee-o-file

Sentence: You know she's a biobliophile if she clicks her heels together when she's homesick.

Etymology: biography + bibliophile

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Created by: avklive


Sentence: Reading about strong people impresses me strongly - I'm such a readceptor!

Etymology: reader + perception

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-01-24: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Dougalistic. Thank you Dougalistic. ~ James

silveryaspen - 2008-01-25: 11:30:00
Everyone got me-deep into this definition!

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2008-11-17: 03:35:00
As a veteran daydreamer, I can tell you that hallucinations ARE real. The good ones, anyway.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-04-14: 00:24:00
Today's definition was suggested by Dougalistic. Thank you Dougalistic. ~ James