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'Wow you're vegan? Me too!'

DEFINITION: v., To pretend that you like something that you don't, in hopes that someone else will like your pretensions. n., A person who doesn't like what they actually like, and pretends to like what other people like.

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: pree-var-eh-grate

Sentence: To stay in the boss's favor, I can prevarigreat like a pro.

Etymology: prevaricate, great

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: Role-Doo-Play

Sentence: I easily fit into any group that I travel in because I practice roleduplay. I duplicate other's opinions and preferences. This is all a sham. I am a master at role-playing. I am definitely a roleduplayer with a great deal of experience in roleduplay!!

Etymology: This word uses role-play and inserts the first part of the word "duplicate" in the middle.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: fiktərēən

Sentence: Barry is a full-fledged ficterian. He is a social chameleon. If someone is a vegetarian, so is he. If somebody loves a particular movie, so does he. Whichever way the wind blows is a lifestyle for him. Just the other day he was an MMA fighter, a rapper and a lesbian.

Etymology: fictitious (not real or true, being imaginary or having been fabricated) + vegetarian (a person who does not eat meat)

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Created by: thegoatisbad

Pronunciation: kon-rad

Sentence: Kimberly hated her twin sister, Loretta. Loretta was an excellent conrade, quickly befriending strangers and extracting just enough information to steal their identities. "Oh, it's so important to write your social security number on the seeds of your organic produce, otherwise Monsanto will sue you for copyright infringement" she told a few new friends. And just as soon as she finished her day of work at MegaPharm, Inc. she was behind her chum's houses with a shovel and magnifying glass. "She thinks everyone's a chump" Kimberly complained, "I haven't talked to her since my application for a gapcard was denied."

Etymology: con (to betray confidence) + comrade (close friend)


thegoatisbad did the definition necessarily pertain to food? oops - thegoatisbad, 2010-03-23: 14:12:00


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Created by: Ofelia

Pronunciation: loe-n-uh-kin

Sentence: (Noun): John's quite the loanakin. I don't think he's ever disliked anything that sarah likes. (Verb): I think I'll loanakin that sweater from you, said John, as he bought the same one the next day.

Etymology: Loan- To borrow something Akin- To be of a kind or kindred; equivalent to something in one category.

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Created by: simralotomy

Pronunciation: like-o-pho-bist

Sentence: Some likeophobists are quite popular in our college....they seem to mix up with almost everyone

Etymology: Like combined with o for opposite of phobia

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: mētoōmētoō

Sentence: Sheldon is a confirmed metoometoo. He has no opinions to call his own. Maybe it is his Swiss upbringing but he steadfastly remains neutral on every topic you could mention. He is great at collecting facts but somehow never gets to the point of deciding what he thinks. In a clear case of "whichever way the wind blows" any opinion expressed gets an immediate concurrence and cascade of supporting facts.

Etymology: me (used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself as the object of a verb or preposition) + too (in addition; also) slightly derived from Star Wars droid R2D2.

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Har-mon-ee-con

Sentence: Harry was forever trying to harmonicon friends and aquaintancies by pretending to like the things they did. However he really got himself into a stew when he agreed with the delicious virtues of the jellied eel, even though he couldn't stand the stuff. His friend insisted they spend the rest of the afternoon enjoying the delicacy. Harry could do nothing else but to sit and eat several large bowlfuls whilst trying very hard not to bring it all back up again.

Etymology: Harmony(agreement,concord) + Con(to deceive by lying) = Harmonicon

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Created by: TiaJay

Pronunciation: view-er-a-cor-diss

Sentence: She succumbed to vieweraccordiss when politely telling her co-worker she "adored" her new shoes.

Etymology: view= point of view / viewer= person / accord= agreeing / diss= as in 'dissing' that point of view and really not agreeing


I think I got my v.intr. mixed up --? LOL - TiaJay, 2007-11-28: 05:02:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: SO-see-oh-frawd

Sentence: Sheldon was always looking for opportunities to impress dates, employers and influential people and had become an absolutely shameless sociofraud and would do or say anything to achieve popularity.

Etymology: Blend of social and fraud

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-11-28: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Mustang and remistram. Thank you Mustang and remistram! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-03-23: 00:05:00
Today's definition was suggested by Mustang. Thank you Mustang. ~ James