Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n., Second-hand sound which has escaped from a headset. v., To play music on personal listening device so loudly that it leaks out of the earphones.
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Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: mooz ik
Sentence: It's my own fault, thought Melodie. Having no other clue what to buy her Granny who had everything, for Christmas, she gave her an IPod and showed her how to load up tunes into it. Granny loved it and used it all the time. Trouble was, she cranked it so loud, everyone for miles around could hear it, especially Melodie. It was so loud in fact she could not hear her own tunes. "Granny!", she shouted, "Your moozeic would not be so bad if your vulgar rap tunes did not drown out my classical composers. I can't Handel the racket anymore. You're now off my Liszt...unless you turn the volume Bach down!"
Etymology: Music (an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner) & Ooze (to seep out; to leak)
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: def/flu/ence
Sentence: Many subway passengers suffer from deaffluence as a result of being in the midst of other riders with faulty earbuds.
Etymology: deaf + effluence (polluted overflow)
Good word, Muzzy. "Earbuds" always sounded like a genetic defect to me. - metrohumanx, 2008-09-04: 09:31:00
I know the feeling. Good word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-05: 01:43:00
Great! - TJayzz, 2008-09-05: 04:55:00
Created by: wordslikevenom
Pronunciation: Hiss-hop
Sentence: In an attempt to signal her disquiet, Sally peered over the top of her book and stared directly over to the nodding girl on the opposite side of the carriage. The hisshop emanating from there was causing Sally to imagine herself breaking off the arm of her seat and bludgeoning the bitch to a pulp, all to the rapturous sound of applause from the rest of the passengers.
Etymology: Hiss - a sound like the letter 's'; a noisy leak. Hop - to jump from place to place
Created by: paolamoncadaa
:) - paolamoncadaa, 2018-01-24: 21:35:00
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: AW-DEE-OH-chaff
Sentence: In the hallway outside the library, Babs was listening to her personal audio device. Judging by the AUDIOCHAFF which slopped over, the sound levels inside her earbuds must have been deafening. The AUDIOCHAFF bore no resemblance to music, and even at a distance was more akin to the background radiation from outer space often heard on poorly tuned shortwave radios.
Etymology: AUDIO+CHAFF=AUDIOCHAFF.....AUDIO: of or relating to acoustic, mechanical, or electrical frequencies corresponding to normally audible sound waves; of, relating to, or utilizing recorded sound.....CHAFF: something comparatively worthless; Middle English chaf, from Old English ceaf; akin to Old High German cheva husk.
COMMENTS: - metrohumanx, 2008-09-04: 00:42:00
Ty! Your's ain't bad at all either =) - vmalcolm, 2008-09-04: 10:55:00
Yours!!!!! - vmalcolm, 2008-09-04: 10:55:00
nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-04: 12:33:00
From outer space ? Wasn't that Victor and Svetka presenting the "Happy Hour" on Radio Moscow in the 1960s. top word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-05: 01:41:00
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: son-ik-ooz
Sentence: His grandma subjected him to deeply annoying sonicooze of Englebert Humperdinck while he crammed for his math exam.
Etymology: sonic + ooze
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: eer-JAK-u-layt
Sentence: Nancy sat on the subway wearing her ipod but not listening to it. She felt odd doing it that way, but throughout the train she could hear the earjaculate headmedowns of the other passengers. The way the podjamas merged into its own kind of earjam was more soothing to her than her own musical selections could have ever been. earjam: something you fill your ears with. podjamas: the barely audible sound of another person's ipod. headmedowns: second-hand music.
Etymology: ear + ejaculate (shooting out of)
great words - porsche, 2007-10-04: 13:35:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: egz-OO-dio
Sentence: Waiting at the bus stop with no portable music device, I laughed at the exudio from my fellow travellers. Cyndi Lauper's True Colors mingled with "all the leaves are brown and the sky is grey" and a dash of James Brown.
Etymology: exude -- leak out + audio -- sound
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: riff lucks
Sentence: The rifflux from his buds as she stood beside hin on the subway was irritating, but not nearly as bad as his crotch grabbing shrieks whenever he heard Jacko hit the high notes. she resolved to get up two hours earlier and walk to work in future.
Etymology: reflux (regurgitation), riff (riff).
I like it. - petaj, 2007-10-05: 05:10:00

Today's definition was suggested by Pseudonym. Thank you Pseudonym! ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by Pseudonym. Thank you Pseudonym. ~ James