Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v., To drop food on the floor, then pick it up and eat it, before anyone else can say "it's too dirty". n., A tasty treat which has been accidentally dropped, then quickly salvaged and savored.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: dis GUST a tor ee
Sentence: Gordie never met a snack he didn't like, even those that had been dropped on the floor. By other people. At some unknown time in the past. His love of disgustatory pleasures knew no bounds. Sometimes his friends called him "Grody" (for obvious reasons) or "Goaty" (due to his apparent ability to eat just about anything).
Etymology: disgust + gustatory (of or relating to eating or the sense of taste)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: lin-OLE-ee-yum-yum
Sentence: Bart didn't subscribe to the '5 second rule', he considered anything that had been dropped on the floor by himself or others to be a delectable linoleyumyum however long it may have been laying there.
Etymology: Blend of the words 'linoleum' and 'yum yum'
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: an/ti/pah/stoh/jen
Sentence: Antipasto off the plate, or antipastogen off the floor, it didn't bother Tommy. It was FOOD!
Etymology: antipasto + pathogen (bacteria)
Created by: deaninc
Pronunciation: hi-per-gland-us
Sentence: Being hyperglandous does have its opportunity
Etymology: The increased sensitivity of the oral receptors responding to an individual craving
Created by: Scrumpy
Pronunciation: tar-uh-gruhb
Sentence: Ken was enjoying his terragrub of spilled pudding until he scooped up somebodies old gum. He then experienced terregurgitation.
Etymology: terra (earth) + grub
also a help around the house as a terragrubscrub - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-11: 12:36:00
Real earthy stuff. Hilarious too! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-11: 18:00:00
PS: A bit more earthy stuff: I trying to come up with this verboticism, found an earthy, gritty Kentish dialect word, "sculch" referring to the unwholesome things children like to eat. I guess after teragrubbing and sculching some not so yumgum, it's terregurgitation that follows. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-11: 18:26:00
Created by: ambercriss
Pronunciation: Fool-king-le
Sentence: He was fulkingly the floor.
Created by: zxvasdf
Pronunciation: Prod i gal nosh
Sentence: Josh was known for prodigalnoshing at the most inopportune moments such as in a crowded cafeteria. Sometimes the prodigalnoshed food he picked up didn't even belong to him! Josh knew to prodialnosh was to court many risks to his immune system and social standing, but he just couldn't resist himself. He would be a prodigalnosher for life, until his body gave out, and even then, he probably would have his nursery home attendant attend to that for him.
Etymology: Prodigal (as in the prodigal son who comes back to the fold after wandering to find his own) & nosh (to eat)
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: grav-eh-tid-bits
Sentence: To Murray, just watching snacks drop inside a vending machine made his mouth water. But when food precipitasted to the floor, he could not resist the gravitidbit. Something about falling always improved the flavor. Precipitaste: To drop food on the floor, then pick it up and eat it, before anyone else can say "it's too dirty"
Etymology: Gravity + tidbit
Created by: rexcausey
Pronunciation: un-cooth-ish-ment
Sentence: Brad dove to the floor for his daily dose of uncouthishment after he tore open the bag of chips and they spilled all over the kitchen floor.
Etymology: Uncouthishment is a noun derived from the words 1.)uncouth(Crude; unrefined) and 2.) nourishment(food, nutriment, or sustenance).
Verbotomy - 2007-10-11: 01:35:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you again remistram! ~ James
mplsbohemian - 2007-10-11: 22:57:00
There are a LOT of good words today!
Verbotomy - 2007-10-12: 00:30:00
Yes lots of floordoeuvres for thought. Tasty too! Even if they are all full of antipastogens. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-02-08: 00:20:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James