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'May I ask, what are you doing?'

DEFINITION: v., To drop food on the floor, then pick it up and eat it, before anyone else can say "it's too dirty". n., A tasty treat which has been accidentally dropped, then quickly salvaged and savored.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: smȯr-gəs-flohr-bȯrd

Sentence: As a salesman, Ted practically lives in his car. Breakfast, lunch and often dinner are consumed behind the wheel. Ted is a strong believer in the 5-second (plus) rule. He looks at his car as a smorgasfloorboard.

Etymology: smorgasbord (buffet-style food ) + floorboard (the floor of an automobile )

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Created by: destrict

Pronunciation: con-sper-rate

Sentence: After dropping her ice cream, the little girl decided to consperate it with vigor.


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Created by: Daneslarue

Pronunciation: Flor-Gas-Trait

Sentence: Oh my gosh! You're floorgastrating that chicken wing!

Etymology: Floor - Location of the food Gastration - Digestion, eating

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Created by: aayeye


Sentence: Madge was stunned when her terraprehendive blind date started licking up the tapioca he spilled on the floor.

Etymology: Terra= Earth Prehend= to grab Dive= as in to dive to the ground. Also: Terra+endive Earth lettuce

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Created by: micvice

Pronunciation: PLIH-bul

Sentence: Marcel was very clumsy and a bit of a glutton, so naturally quite the plibbler.

Etymology: plop, nibble

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: FLOT-so-FAGE

Sentence: SickVic was a textbook example of an unrepentant FLOTSOPHAGE.In most social settings he appeared quite normal, but if he saw the smallest particle of food fall, he went down faster than Bush's approval ratings, often intercepting the wayward morsel before if hit the food court floor. One time he inhaled a FLOTSOPHAGE before it was even identified as one of Sookie's artificial fingernails. SickVic hasn't been seen lately, and legend has it he is presently a resident in the cafeteria at Doctor Beddow's Institute for the Culinarily Challenged.....and a more revolting "challenge of the day" I have not seen.

Etymology: FLOTSOm + PHAGE= FLOTSOPHAGE.....FLOTSOM:miscellaneous or unimportant material unintentionally jettisoned or dropped (as opposed to JETSAM:deliberately cast overboard)Anglo-French floteson, from floter to float, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English flotian to float, flota ship.....-PHAGE: suffix meaning "to eat" (latin)


metrohumanx Before I was MetrohumanX, I was Metrodad....and you can view my artwork at - metrohumanx, 2008-09-30: 14:10:00

metrohumanx DeviantArt is an awkward have to select "metrodad's galleries" if you wanna see some bizarre drawings and paintings. :) - metrohumanx, 2008-09-30: 14:17:00

better not get it caught in his flotsophagus - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-30: 15:13:00

metrohumanx Flotsophagus......that sounds good. Thanx J-wock! - metrohumanx, 2008-09-30: 15:40:00

Terrific - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-30: 17:34:00


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Created by: younger

Pronunciation: Street-Meet

Sentence: I picked my hot dog up off the ground so quickly, there were only a few crunchies when I ate it. Another successful Streetmeat lunch!

Etymology: Meat that hits the Street

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: spot/luk

Sentence: Muffy the poodle had gotten used to the fact that family parties were no longer a smorgasbord of tasty delights. Ever since her family was introduced to the "If you pick it up within five seconds AND kiss it up to God it is clean and safe to eat" by that little brat Megan, Muffy had not enjoyed the family potlucks much anymore. She has settled however for the first hour or so, when all the guests are gone and the Mom person is cleaning up. The spotluck that is left behind by all the "five second" droppings isn't as filling, but almost as tasty.

Etymology: From Potluck: A potluck is a gathering of people where each person is expected to bring a dish of food to be shared among the group.


Love on! - Nosila, 2008-09-30: 22:48:00

Thanks Nose! - lumina, 2008-09-30: 23:37:00

metrohumanx A supremely satisfying sentence....and a lesson for us all. Great job, gemini. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-01: 13:39:00


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: FLOTZ - yum. In time, no doubt, the "Y" would be lost & the pron would become: flotzum.

Sentence: Fastidiousness wasn't one of Bob's stronger points. And from the time when he was a drover on the Barcoo, and nearly had to eat a barcoo sandwich to survive, his philosophy was that if it was food, it was edible. So when any flotsyum hit the floor, Bob quickly upgrubbed it.

Etymology: Blend of flotsam & yum: By analogy -when tasty food falls "overboard. Yum: yummy, tasty, scrumptious. Upgrub: grub: "food" & vb: to forage. Barcoo sandwich: Any outback food considered to be inedible, as (humorously) a goanna between two slabs of bark.


Bob could have a jetsammich with his flotsyum. They both sound pretty Barcoo to me. Great word and sentence as usual OZ! - Scrumpy, 2007-10-11: 07:23:00

love upgrubbed as well - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-11: 12:07:00


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Created by: deaninc

Pronunciation: hi-per-gland-us

Sentence: Being hyperglandous does have its opportunity

Etymology: The increased sensitivity of the oral receptors responding to an individual craving

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-11: 01:35:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you again remistram! ~ James

mplsbohemian - 2007-10-11: 22:57:00
There are a LOT of good words today!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-12: 00:30:00
Yes lots of floordoeuvres for thought. Tasty too! Even if they are all full of antipastogens. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-02-08: 00:20:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James