Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A reprimand, usually given to a "significant other", for improper labeling of the relationship. v. To scold someone for incorrectly describing, at least from your point of view, the state your personal relationship.
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Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: PART-nurr-slip-LASH
Sentence: Loosened by liquor, he let the truth slip- The way he envisioned their relationship. The stink-eye she gave him, Her teeth they did gnash, As she doled out a bone-chilling PARTNERSLIPLASH!
Etymology: PARTNER+SLIP+LASH=PARTNERSLIPLASH......PARTNER: a person with whom one shares an intimate relationship, one member of a couple; Middle English partener, alteration of parcener, from Anglo-French, coparcener.....SLIP: to become uttered through inadvertence, to escape from memory or consciousness; Middle English slippen, from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German; akin to Middle High German slipfen to slide, Old High German slīfan to smooth, and perhaps to Greek olibros slippery.....LASH: to make a verbal attack or retort, to thrash or beat violently, to assail with stinging words; Middle English.
nice little ditty - Jabberwocky, 2009-04-28: 13:35:00
Poetic justice! - Nosila, 2009-04-28: 14:44:00
Partnersliplash is a great word, Manx! - splendiction, 2009-04-28: 22:17:00
Great word there Metro ~ Love your sentence! Hope you're doing well :) Have great weekend! - abrakadeborah, 2009-05-02: 05:24:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: frend-chip
Sentence: Amy's acquaintances had to be very careful how they referred to their relationship with her as she was known for censorial friendchipping.
Etymology: friendship (relationship) + chip (slang for frequent criticisms as in chipping away at"
nice word! - galwaywegian, 2009-04-28: 08:51:00
terrific - Jabberwocky, 2009-04-28: 13:34:00
She'd be hard to ketchup with... - Nosila, 2009-04-28: 14:48:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: love-cheyed
Sentence: Twila glared, "Bastard!" Whatever he did or said, Harold knew that there was an issue, so he took responsiblility for her lovechide.
Etymology: wordplay on Love Child: illegitimate offspring, bastard, issue
love it - Jabberwocky, 2009-04-28: 13:34:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: Shuv - Let - Ter
Sentence: Leonard felt that he needed to give Gloria a shoveletter because lately, she had been telling their friends that they were engaged. He pondered whether he should deliver it verbally..... He did not want to end their relationship, just shake it up and reconstitute it a bit....
Etymology: Shove (Jostle, Push), Love, Loveletter
funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-04-28: 13:37:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: luv chyde
Sentence: When Dwayne was heard by Dahlia to be calling her "his old lady" in front of his poker buddies, she was livid. She had made him a lovely home, gave him 2 beautiful kids and helped by doing the books for his car repair business. She had no choice but to give him a lovechide, before he was ordered to sleep on the couch and ponder how he could make it up to her.
Etymology: Love (a beloved person; used as terms of endearment)& Chide (censure severely or angrily) & Wordplay on Lovechild (the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents)
:D - galwaywegian, 2010-11-10: 13:45:00
Created by: rachelbree
Pronunciation: im-game-at-or-y
Sentence: The remark that he made towards his lover wa quite imgametory.
Etymology: im: not gameto: sexual union/marriage ry:...
I have no idea... - rachelbree, 2012-04-16: 15:17:00
Created by: Humphries
Pronunciation: ov-er-luv-ly-con-fid-en-t
Sentence: When you are overlovelyconfident you overstep your bounds in a relationship, like with nicknames.
Etymology: over as in to much love as in love confident as in believing in ones self
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: bee-rate-mate
Sentence: At their very own wedding why did she still continue to beratemate him?
Etymology: berate (as in scold) + mate (partner)
Created by: readerwriter
Pronunciation: burh-eight-shun-ship
Sentence: Some of Pete's friends called Kate a shrew, but he loved a challenge and still believed he could take their berationship to another level.
Etymology: A blend of BERATE + RELATIONSHIP
a classic :) - galwaywegian, 2009-04-28: 08:50:00
excellent - Jabberwocky, 2009-04-28: 13:32:00
Verbotomy - 2009-04-28: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by Biscotti. Thank you Biscotti. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-11-10: 00:02:00
Today's definition was suggested by Biscotti. Thank you Biscotti. ~ James
fabdiva - 2012-04-16: 02:13:00
Is that like a boyfiend?