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'What's with this stupid pen?'

DEFINITION: v., To search for and find a pen to write down an important note, only to discover that the pen does not work. n., A moment in time when the only pens you can find, are pens that do not work.

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Created by: Kyoti

Pronunciation: Mahnt-blaynkt

Sentence: Rudy scribbled and scratched on his legal pad, leaving dozens of swirly deep grooves, but no discernible ink marks of any kind appeared on his paper, and he was forced to accept that he'd just been completely montblanked.

Etymology: Mont Blanc: fancy French pens with fancy French price tags + Blanked: a term sportscasters like to use to indicate a shutout, especially when referring to the visiting team.


so many great words today! - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-03: 09:48:00


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Created by: Eyeshah

Pronunciation: /pen-DIK-uh-mint/

Sentence: Pennelope found herself in quite the pendicament (quilemma) when her professor decided to give a pop quiz, and her backpack rummagings for a functional pen proved fruitless.

Etymology: pen+predicament=pendicament

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Created by: libertybelle

Pronunciation: bick-et-line

Sentence: Darryl went through all of his pens to write down Miranda's phone number to no avail; he formed a bicketline with all of the pens that refused to work.

Etymology: bic - popular brand of pen + picket line. A bicstrike.

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Created by: Koekbroer

Pronunciation: ab-sink-ee-ya


Etymology: contraction of "absentia" and "ink"

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: pen/daver

Sentence: It's another of Murphy's Laws that writing utensils turn into pendavers when an important message needs to be scribbled.

Etymology: PENDAVER noun - from PEN (instrument for writing) + CADAVER (a dead body)


I bet Dexter has several pendavers - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-03: 09:47:00

Good word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-10-05: 17:35:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: pen/daver

Sentence: It's another of Murphy's Laws that writing utensils turn into pendavers when an important message needs to be scribbled.

Etymology: PENDAVER noun - from PEN (instrument for writing) + CADAVER (a dead body)

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Created by: marge




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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: ink-vain

Sentence: It was all inkvain. Scrabbling through the bureau drawer in search of a writing implement while the gormless game-show host rabbited on about numbers to call had proven fruitless, and Sally was left despondent that she had not been able to write down the SMS number to win $5000 on Who wants to be a Millionaire.

Etymology: in vain (to no purpose) + ink (what the pens are missing)

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: dud-stri-mint

Sentence: All of the pens in the office were dudstriments when Sam really needed to take notes.

Etymology: Dud- a person or thing that proves ineffectual or a failure. Instriments taken in part of the correct spelling "instruments" - An implement used to facilitate work.

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: ex-pen-dead

Sentence: Every pen I find in this house is expendead.

Etymology: expended: used up; consumed + pen + dead


exzcellent - Nosila, 2010-03-03: 23:51:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-11-06: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by vixphilia. Thank you vixphilia! ~ James'

OZZIEBOB - 2007-11-06: 16:53:00
Good word!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-03-03: 00:16:00
Today's definition was suggested by vixphilia. Thank you vixphilia. ~ James

Petrikreink - 2020-03-03: 05:14:00