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DEFINITION: v. To expire, pass away or kick the bucket while at the office; often occurs when someone is overworked, underpaid, and desperately trying to hang on for a full pension. n. A person who has been suddenly, and permanently, terminated while a work.
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Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: emm-ploy-croke-ment
Sentence: Troy knew that employcroakment was in his future, so he made sure that he always wore clean underwear to work.
Etymology: employment + croak
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: em-ploi-ded
Sentence: Ralph worked on the overnight crew. His co-workers knew he often stayed beyond his prescribed time. What they didn't know was that Ralph had passed from employed to employeded, from a member of the graveyard shift to a graveyard stiff. If Mary hadn't gone to Ralph's office to retrieve her stapler, he might still be there still.
Etymology: employed (having a job) + dead (deceased)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: toom in ayt
Sentence: Overworked and stressed, Bob finally had enough one day and collapsed at his desk. The EMT's were unable to save him, so he expired while on the clock. Bob had worked at the company for over 30 years until he decided to tombinate his employment. Bob sold life insurance, his specialty was sudden death cases. But sadly this underwriter is now in the underworld.
Etymology: Tomb (a place for the burial of a corpse) & Terminate (bring to an end or halt;concluding the employment of)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: eks eks ek yew tiv
Sentence: John went from clerk to supervisor to senior supervisor to junior executive, to senior executive to exexecutive in four years two months, a record in the department. Nobody knew hie surname.
Etymology: executive, ex
work will kill you - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-30: 12:47:00
Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: m-ploy-ee-uf-the-morg
Sentence: Turns out that Wayne was a real employeeofthemorgue (also known as deadondesk syndrome)he was so dedicated to finsihing his sales reports that he ignored the obvious stroke he was having and died in his cubicle on Friday afternoon and wasn't found until Moday morning.
Etymology: employee of the month - a honor that goes to hardworking, dedicated employees + morgue - a holding area for the recently deceased.
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: my-oh-card-yal-in-FRACK-shun
Sentence: Montgomery committed the ultimate myocardialinfraction by having a fatal heart attack mere weeks before he was to have gained eligibility for a comfortable retirement package.
Etymology: Blend of 'myocardial' (relating to the tissue of the heart) and 'infraction' (breach; violation; infringement) -- a word play on the medical term myocardial infarction
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: slayd off
Sentence: Jim was in stiff competiton at his company's corpserate headquarters for an execute-ive position. He literally worked himself to death after graduating autopsy of his class in the lethal firm. His smartyrdom had grave consequences for him when he was slayedoff 2 weeks before his retirement. Luckily his popularity and wake-fullness put the "fun" in his funeral and a ghoul time was had by all. There was a bouquet of rein-carnations with a card saying: RIP, Jim. It was to die for...
Etymology: Slayed (killed, dead) & Wordplay on "Laid Off" (terminated from a job)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: or eye pee for tee fyve
Sentence: his acceptance of his ripfortyfive save the company a fortune on a pension
Etymology: RIP P45
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: desk eeeeee st
Sentence: They had to break the deskeaced's legs to get him out of the chair. Seems he had died six months previously but the a/c was so cold it froze his ass to the chair.
Etymology: deceased
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: orr eye peee for tee fye v
Sentence: Gecko smiled as the oreyepeefortyfive was carried past his office. Another saving for the pension fund
Etymology: R.I P. P.45
silveryaspen - 2009-03-30: 02:06:00
Song of the Day: "Take this Job and Shove It" ... or should that be shovel it?!!!
Verbotomy - 2009-03-30: 07:18:00
Shovel it, about six feet under ~ James