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'Oh no!'

DEFINITION: n., That sad feeling you get when you open the pizza box, and there's nothing left but grease stains. v. intr., To sit in front of an empty pizza box and sulk.

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: si-CIL-yern

Sentence: Discovering the box empty, Jason was overcome with a heavy sense of Sicilyearn.

Etymology: Sicilian, yearn

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Created by: xirtam

Pronunciation: peet-suh-doh

Sentence: An intense feeling of pizzadoh swept over Tom when he discovered the empty box left on the table by his roommate, Mike. But the feeling was not to last long, Pappa John's was on his speed dial.

Etymology: Pizza: A baked pie of Italian origin consisting of a shallow breadlike crust covered with toppings such as seasoned tomato sauce, cheese, sausage, or olives. + Doh: A term uttered by Homer Simpson when something goes wrong.


Now that gave me a good laugh! Very clever. - Tigger, 2007-11-12: 02:04:00

Mee too! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-12: 15:56:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: dämə nō môr

Sentence: Alvin was having a bout of remorsel. One moment he felt like the king of pies. The next he was Dominomore. He was so busy watching the game that he didn't pay attention to the fact that he was scarfing down the final slice. He usually took a moment savor the last bite but now it was gone. He tried to make himself feel better by picking off a mushroom that was stuck on the lid but it didn't help. All that he was left with was a cold, heartless slab of cardboard.

Etymology: Domino (Pizza brand) + no more (nothing further)


Good one! - TJayzz, 2008-10-09: 05:17:00

sad that he was so dominomoribund - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-09: 13:49:00


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Created by: BigKP

Pronunciation: soul-ka-womp

Sentence: When I found the pizza box to be empty, all I could do was sulkawomp.


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: Hawaiian

Sentence: Lottie fell into hawhine when all she could see in the box was a few pineapply fibres stuck together with coagulated cheese. After months of Gourmandgo, she had ordered this Hawaiian pizza to eat in a normal fashion, only to find that it had been snaffled. The only consolation was to crumplunder around the carton.

Etymology: Haiwaiian (pizza characterised by chunks of pineapple and ham) + whine (a whingy noise made by someone suffering)

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Created by: yaelash


Sentence: he got home from work and his nose sensed the cheerful smell of warm fresh pizza. but when he finally reached the box, he felt the worst slicelack ever, finding out there was none left for him.

Etymology: slice + lack, meaning lack of slices.

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Created by: zxvasdf

Pronunciation: De piz zeres sion

Sentence: A deep depizzeression shrouded Tom when he discovered that the pizza box in the fridge was empty. Depizzerate for oodles of cheese, he decided to spend the last of his gas money on a order of pizza.

Etymology: Depression (the condition of feeling sad or despondent) & pizza (popular food item)


good choice - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-09: 13:42:00


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Created by: retoricaljoe


Sentence: I´ll kill my sister if she left me hungry in that fulfizzallusion again!

Etymology: Fulfill + pizza + illusion

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Deh-JORE-no-more

Sentence: When Artemis opened the pizza box and found his friends had eaten the leftovers he sighed to himself....DiGiornomore.

Etymology: DiGiorno pizza + no more

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Created by: thebaron

Pronunciation: la-men-ta-piz-za



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petaj petaj - 2007-11-13: 02:15:00
On the menu today: Digiornomore Hawhine Sicilyearn Pepperawwni

wordmeister - 2007-11-13: 09:47:00
Sounds like a pizza box full of dashed dreams...

zxvasdf zxvasdf - 2008-10-09: 21:21:00
Dadgummit! This would've gotten my vote. Good one.