Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n. The creepy pounds that sneak onto your waist even though you've been exercising and watching what you eat. v. To exercise rigorously, diet fastidiously, and yet still gain weight.
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Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: hek sir syes
Sentence: Although he exercised regularly and ate properly, Tim felt that someone had cursed him. This hexercise prevented his losing any weight. He was mystified, as he had cut back his donuts to just the one dozen per day. How much more sacrificing could he be expected to do???
Etymology: Hex (cast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something) & Exercise (the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit)
Created by: arrrteest
Pronunciation: Epee-lip-id-sed-ih-ment
Sentence: Jason's penchant for pounding beers and caffeinated drinks throughout the day belied his half attempted efforts to lose weight. Unfortunately for him, his rationalizations of his EZ-Chair Ab Workout and 12 ounce arm curls were not enough to overcome the epilipidsediment from settling around his belly.
Etymology: Epi (put on) + lipid (fat) + sediment (a play on sedentary, to stay in one place/ mendacious, to lie)
Challenging but good fun in the onomatopoeia in epilipid ... fun word to say! Speaks layers and layers! Great Won! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-19: 10:28:00
Created by: Banky
Pronunciation: stellth-food
Sentence: The scale gave a small muffled electronic scream when Andy brought his full weight to bear. He was just about done with trying to shape up; two weeks of treadmill and proper diet had led to a 5-pound gain. Unfortunately, Andy had been mistaken in his meal-selecting logic, and all of the sensible meals he had recently consumed were in fact stealthfoods. The 8-oz portion of fish the night before, for example, had come from an Eastern Stoned Lardwrasse. After a lazy afternoon on the reef smoking reefer, the fish had consumed a bag of Funyuns, 3 Big Macs, 2 orders of fries, a chocolate shake, and a carton of Haagen Daazs. Leaving his friends laughing in his enormous wake, calling him names like "Marlin Brando", the lardwrasse had groggily stumbled into a waiting net, his certain doom, and another veneer of fat on Andy's barely denim-constrained buttocks.
Etymology: stealth + food; ala healthfood
What a witty twist to come up with an eat-it-self-to-death fish that packs weight on humans! Topped off with a meaning full great pun! Excellent Won! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-19: 10:06:00
Now I know why I almost bought that bag of Bloomin' Onion Crisps at the store tonight. Bastard Banky! (Sorry James!) Nice word! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-19: 20:55:00
Created by: Biscotti
Pronunciation: role-backs
Sentence: John couldn't figure out why he had a horrible case of the rolbax. He weighed himself every night before bed and then weighed himself every morning at about 5 pounds more than the previous day's start. He used the weight set day and night for weeks; and was ready to file a complaint to the company until his wife told him he had a horrible midnight snack attack every which John replied, "But I only ate 5 pork chops, two gallons of ice cream and drank half a keg of beer..."
Etymology: roll (to move) + backs (coming back)
Like those rollbacks at Walmart ... that keep creeping up on you! Best part of your words is the 'ax' ... for chopping fat off! Fun Won! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-19: 10:15:00
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: eh-nig-mass
Sentence: All those 100-calorie snack packs were ineffective in helping George lose weight. Each day when he got on the scale, there it was - more enigmass.
Etymology: enigma, mass, ass
Excellent verboticism. George has massive issues to deal with. He probably has indigestion too. ;-) - Mustang, 2008-03-19: 06:45:00
lol - Superb etymology and word! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-19: 10:12:00
another good one - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-19: 11:47:00
Short & sweet - or, perhaps, I should say: fat & sweet! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-19: 16:34:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: thin bawl
Sentence: Tommy could not understand why his waist line was not shrinking. To offset the odd Big Mac (3 a day, which offered him something from most every food group)he incorporated rigorous exercise into his daily routine, like: he jumped to conclusions;his nose ran;he flew off the handle;he skated on thin ice at work;he wrestled with his conscience; he broad-jumped at bars;he did the breast stroke whenever he could and he curled his hair. Yes, Tommy was indeed a thinbawl wizard there has to be a twist,A thinball wizard's got such a supple waist!
Etymology: thin (slender) & bawl (to cry, because you're not thin)
Your word plays are a many splendored things. So rich with everything that makes for great creates! Ingenious! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-20: 17:04:00
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: Inch ah dent uls
Sentence: One of life's pleasures, is to sup well. Just because one cannot see calories, any more than one can see heavy sighs, they calorsize us, by inchidentals. Inchidentals that are seen all to well, but make us feel less than well. Well! Well! Well! ... hmmmm that's another deep subject ... I don't want to get into ... so fare thee well.
Etymology: INCH, INCIDENTAL. INCH - unit of measurement, used not only to measure a body's height, but also the girths of chests, waists, upper arms, and thighs. INCIDENTAL - occurring by chance or without intention.
love it! - galwaywegian, 2009-01-09: 12:28:00
Inchtriguing word...cute! - Nosila, 2009-01-09: 19:52:00
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: kil-err-joolz
Sentence: every time he attempted to lose weight he would be ambushed by killerjoules
Etymology: killer, kilojoules
So true! So Powerful! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-19: 10:11:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: rē-inkärbnāshən
Sentence: It wasn't his fault. It was a matter of reincarbnation. The more Phat thought about it the more he believed in regirth. He must have been a sumo in a former life or perhaps a large animal. That would explain the hippobottomus. It was all in his jeans. After another fruitless trip to the gym, he went out and bought another pair of elepants.
Etymology: reincarnation (a person or animal in whom a particular soul is believed to have been reborn) + carb (short for carbohydrate)
Love them elepants. - wayoffcenter, 2009-01-09: 06:34:00
Funny! - kateinkorea, 2009-01-09: 09:53:00
Love it and the deja vu, all over again! - Nosila, 2009-01-09: 19:51:00
Super punsome and funsome! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-09: 20:45:00
Created by: CanadianAndyCapp
Pronunciation: Kar-bow-high-d-way-t
Sentence: The common misconception that sugar is at the root of all obesity problems hides the true fact that the increased use of fats in processed foods and lack of proper exercise to remove volume overeating poundage has led to people developing self-delusional "Jekyll and Hyde" attitudes about their diet/lifestyle, and weight in a form of "Carbohydeweight"
Etymology: Carbohydrate - An organic compound. / High - Elevated. / Hide - concealed. / Hyde - See Jekyll and Hyde. / Weight - Gravitational displacement (see also blubber)
In every way .... outstandingly excellent! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-19: 10:20:00
great word - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-19: 11:38:00
Good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-20: 05:12:00

Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James
Mustang - 2008-03-19: 00:49:00
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James
hombwedleMi - 2018-05-26: 08:39:00
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