Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v., To slowly inch your vehicle forward at a red traffic light hoping that you can make it change faster. n., A driver who allows their vehicle to creep into the middle of an intersection while waiting for a red light.
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Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: red-led-foot
Sentence: Redleadfooting is one of the main causes of road rage stabbings & deaths.
Etymology: red (as in red traffic light)+ lead (as in metal or heavy) + foot
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: slōrīdər
Sentence: Linda has the patience of a gnat. Red lights drive her crazy. When she gets caught at one she becomes a slowrider, creeping ahead until she is almost halfway into the intersection. Fellow motorists think she is just a creep.
Etymology: slow (moving or operating, or designed to do so, only at a low speed) lowrider (a customized vehicle with hydraulic jacks that allow the chassis to be lowered nearly to the road)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: red van ser
Sentence: Despite learning the opposite in driving school, when Polly graduated and started driving, she developed bad habits. Her latest was to become a Redvancer...someone who tries to make the red light faster by inching forward. On this day she inadvertantly did her Redvancer trick in front of a patrol car. Was she ever amazed to be ticketed for coming to a rolling stop and failing to yield to a stop sign. Polly paid $250 to learn her lesson and withdraw from the Redvancer Club.
Etymology: Red (stoplight colour) & Advancer (someone who is moving forward toward a goal)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: hinn tur sek shun
Sentence: somehow the gods of the intersection were immune to her hintersection
Etymology: intersection hint
ooh - good one - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-30: 11:07:00
Why are there no "GO" signs? - metrohumanx, 2008-10-30: 13:10:00
Hinteresting word! - Nosila, 2008-10-31: 01:54:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: aw-toe-grinch
Sentence: Pamela was convinced that she had a gift. She believed that by starting to inch her car forward just a bit at the red light, it would turn green a little more quickly. She had turned into quite an autogrinch, lately and actually hoped for red lights just to give her practice.
Etymology: "Auto" which is derived from Automotible is added to the beginning of the word "green" as in green light, followed by "inch" as to move forward slowly, a little bit at a time. As a bonus, the word "grinch" reminds us of the Grinch who stole Christmas. The grinch is a catlike creature who has on occasion, demonstrated superhuman qualities
terrific etymology - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-30: 11:07:00
Nicely crafted word.Bravo! - metrohumanx, 2008-10-30: 13:11:00
Created by: zxvasdf
Pronunciation: Green dy
Sentence: The heliograph of sirens flickered on Bob's face as he walked slowly around the crumpled piece of tin that was once his car; Jane, the damsel to whom he was en route, was on his mind and he became a bit too greendy... until before long he found himself in the middle of the intersection with a frightening semi-truck on one end and an equally terrifying Mack truck on the other end. Bob, groaning inwardly, would have to postpone his date. The price of being greendy!
Etymology: Green (as in green light) & greedy (gluttonous)
Wow. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-30: 13:53:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: krēpkrēp
Sentence: The pedestrians were quite annoyed that they had to make their way around the creepcreep. Did this nitwit really think that the light was going to change any faster if he inched his way into the crosswalk? Where are the cops when you want one?
Etymology: creep (move slowly and carefully) + creep (a detestable person)
Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: inch-ter-sek-shun-ist
Sentence: Molly, being the inchtersectionist that she is, would invaribly creep up at every stop light until she was in the center of the interesection, jamming traffic in all directions.
Etymology: inch + intersection... (thus ends my 3 day -osis streak...)
missed this yesterday - very good - Jabberwocky, 2007-12-07: 14:03:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: An + TISS + uh + creep
Sentence: When waiting for the light to change Imogene would always anticipcreep in an effort to be the first to zoom away on the green light.
Etymology: Anticipate + creep
Another great word. Excellent! - Tigger, 2007-12-06: 11:42:00
Verbotomy - 2007-12-06: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Tigger and libertybelle. Thank you Tigger and libertybelle. ~ James
Tigger - 2007-12-06: 00:32:00
Actually, libertybelle should get sole credit. I should've read through the recent definitions before submitting mine.
libertybelle - 2007-12-06: 08:52:00
i still say great minds think alike... though some say filthy minds think alike, as well... hmmm...
silveryaspen - 2007-12-06: 19:11:00
flows smoothly ... readily understood ... nice interplay of words.
silveryaspen - 2007-12-06: 19:14:00
like the first 2 syllable rhyme ... the word rolls off the tongue. The meaning is straightforward and implicit.
Verbotomy - 2010-03-29: 00:05:00
Today's definition was suggested by libertybelle. Thank you libertybelle. ~ James