Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v., To find a lost item immediately after purchasing a replacement. n., An item which is lost and cannot not be found unless a replacement is purchased.
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Created by: artr
Pronunciation: sur-uh-meyt
Sentence: When Darren showed up at the party with a surromate, he explained that his wife was lost at sea. Her side of the story is that she once accidentlly docked her canoe at the wrong pier.
Etymology: surrogate (a substitute) + mate (husband or wife; spouse)
Created by: NeuroGlyph
Pronunciation: Jyne-hole-oh-gem-do-ho
Sentence: Gynhologymduo! Pididdle has officially been replaced.
Created by: Koekbroer
Pronunciation: buy-one-find-one
BOFO, instead of BOGO? - Nosila, 2010-02-24: 22:06:00
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: DOOP-el-gang-er / spare-en-DIP-it-ee
Sentence: Yasmine owned four dupelgangers of "Queen's Greatest Hits." Two had been returned by boyfriends who had taken her copies, one had been found in an old backpack and one was a cassette that mysteriously appeared in her car one afternoon. Her sparendipity for that particular item was unparalleled
Etymology: dupe (dupicate) + Doppelganger (an exact duplicate of a person) / spare + (ser)endipity (unexpected discovery)
Tip to Mustang for thinking like a true genious! I Spotted yours after I wrote this. - MrDave2176, 2007-10-29: 09:17:00
great word - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-29: 13:48:00
Great word and interesting etymology! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-29: 20:06:00
Created by: Artomun
Pronunciation: post-RIT-uh-gain
Sentence: n: I lost my new phone; it's probably a postrihtagane... v: I end up postrihtaganing everything I buy...
Etymology: Prefix 'post' meaning 'after'; 'riht' derived from Old English 'rihtan' meaning 'to replace'; 'agane' derived from Old English 'ágan' meaning 'to obtain'. Combined as 'postrihtagane' to mean 'after-replace-obtain'.
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: cost-and-found
Sentence: Marlene tripped home in her brand new red stilettos only to be thrust into consternation when she costandfound her crimson footwear under the doorstep.
Etymology: lost and found + confound
very funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-29: 13:25:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: səbstidoōd
Sentence: It wasn*t until she acquired a substidude that Wendy*s boyfriend started paying her much attention. Neither was all that bright. What she was left with was redumbdancy.
Etymology: substitute (a person or thing acting or serving in place of another) + dude (a man; a guy)
cute - Nosila, 2010-02-24: 22:07:00
Created by: vmalcolm
Pronunciation: /sʌrɪgeɪn/
Sentence: :- "Baby, baby... Don't get mad, this is just a surregain, it always works! I know it can sound incredible, but if I didn't surregain it I would have never got you back! You would had been lost forever... I was desperate..."
Etymology: SURREGAIN. From Surrogate (One that takes the place of another; a substitute) + Regain (To recover possession of; get back again)
Created by: yellowbird
Pronunciation: per-koop
Sentence: I purcouped my cell phone, so now I have two.
Etymology: purchase + recoup
Verbotomy - 2007-10-29: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176. Thank you MrDave2176! ~ James'
Verbotomy - 2010-02-24: 00:11:00
Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176. Thank you MrDave2176. ~ James