Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v., To call your cellphone when you have misplaced it, hoping that it will ring so that you can locate it. n., The sound of a lost cellphone.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: kelseyslack
Sentence: I think i have cyyptemnia because i hear ringing of my phone but i cant find it!
Etymology: crypt- hidden... e-out...mne-amnesia..
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: TING-uh-LING-kweer-ee
Sentence: A teasing telenigma or tingalinquery taunted Bob with the usual "notingaling" when he tried to diallocate and phonepoint his cellphone.
Etymology: TING -A- lING: the sound of a phone & QUERY: a question; an inquiry.
excellent! - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-08: 10:08:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: klətərring
Sentence: Charley is quite poor at keeping track of things. He never sets things down in the same place twice. Things end up in the strangest places. He is still trying to figure out how one of his socks ended up in a mayonnaise jar in the fridge, but that*s a different story. His current challenge is to not loose his company-issued Blackberry. He has tried several unique techniques. First there was the gecko location which involved rubber-banding the phone to his pet lizard. FAIL! Mr. Green Britches just shed a tail and went off to sell insurance. Then he tried the string theory. He tied a string around his finger and one around the phone with the thought that like things attract. FAIL! He attached a cookie with a thought that somehow his computer would help him. FAIL! Following the ants only worked for a short time. Finally he has a method that works, clutterring. He bought a tiny, cheap cell that he keeps on a cord around his neck and calls the Blackberry when he needs it. If it is dark, the light on the phone acts like one of those **as seen on TV** specials, the Clapper.(clapperring)
Etymology: clutter (a collection of things lying about in an untidy mass) + ring (of a telephone; produce a series of resonant or vibrating sounds to signal an incoming call)
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: per-sell-yu-uhl
Sentence: The piles of clothes and junk made for a difficult purcellual, luckily his dad had a metal detector.
Etymology: pursual (search) + cell (phone)
Created by: trademagrag
Pronunciation: mass-ter-tweet
Sentence: I found my phone, but it was a bit embarrassing when my roommate caught me masturtweeting.
Etymology: masturbate + tweet
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: SEL-uh-rouz
Sentence: Brent was forever losing his cell phone in the clutter around his apartment and would often resort to a technique he called 'cellarouse' wherein he would call his cell from another phone hoping to locate the cell by it's ring.
Etymology: Blend of Cell (for cell phone) and awaken.
nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-08: 10:10:00
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: lō-kā'-tə-rĭng
Sentence: Instead of burrowing through the dozen or so piles and clothes and other junk in his room to find his cellphone, Kevin just picked up his home phone and pulled off a locataring, successfully homing in on the muffletone coming from the pocket of the jeans he wore yesterday.
Etymology: locate (Latin. locāre, locāt-, to place, from locus, place.) + a + ring (Old English. hringan)
Created by: AcesOfHearts
Sentence: Once again, the irresponsible adult began logmenglossing to look for his phone.
Etymology: Log-Speech mne- to remember gloss-Language
Created by: zxvasdf
Pronunciation: Ech o cel lu ca tion
Sentence: It was by means of echocellucation that he found the telephone his angry girlfriend had thrown in in the field.
Etymology: Echolocation (means of determining an object's location by reflected sound) & cellular (zombie inducin' portable phone)
great word and great etymology - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-08: 10:11:00
Created by: suchipatel
Pronunciation: Stoh - linj
Sentence: She spent the day stolanging in the hopes that she'd hear her ringtone in the clutter of her room.
Etymology: Stol - To send Angel - Message "To send a message"
Verbotomy - 2007-11-09: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie! ~ James'
Verbotomy - 2010-03-08: 00:24:00
Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie. ~ James