Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: v., To call your cellphone when you have misplaced it, hoping that it will ring so that you can locate it. n., The sound of a lost cellphone.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: jrogan
Pronunciation: cow-sel
Sentence: Not only do I keep losing my phone, but also keep forgetting where I am, so my wife tied a cellphone around my neck and told me to call it whenever I get lost. It works! 'Cause now I know where I am -- right here.
Etymology: Cowbell transformed by a cellular phone
Created by: scaredboy617
Sentence: It's hard amneing where I put my phone.
Etymology: The act of remembering.
Created by: MithrilShadow
Pronunciation: E-kȯl-lō-ˈkā-shən
Sentence: Erin stumbled around her room, trying to find her cell phone via Ecallocation.
Etymology: From the words: Call: to get or try to get in communication with by telephone. and Echolocation: a physiological process for locating distant or invisible objects (as prey) by sound waves reflected back to the emitter (as a bat) from the objects
EXCELLENT! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-11: 16:28:00
Created by: ysledd
Sentence: His hyperphonism was beginning to give me a headache.
Etymology: Hyper-, excessive phon-, sound, voice ism-, belief in
Created by: trademagrag
Pronunciation: mass-ter-tweet
Sentence: I found my phone, but it was a bit embarrassing when my roommate caught me masturtweeting.
Etymology: masturbate + tweet
Created by: nicolebolavage
Sentence: He wasn't able to cryptmne, because he had his phone on silent.
Etymology: crypt- hidden, secret mne- to remember
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: hehlll oh kee ah
Sentence: His hellokia called to him from someone under the pizza boxes, beer cans and crisp packets
Etymology: nokia hello
hell of a word - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-08: 15:29:00
Created by: forlove169
Pronunciation: hid-a-ring
Sentence: When Jan could not find her phone, her last option was hiddaringing it to find its location.
Etymology: A combination of hidden and a ring.
Created by: kelseyslack
Sentence: I think i have cyyptemnia because i hear ringing of my phone but i cant find it!
Etymology: crypt- hidden... e-out...mne-amnesia..

Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie! ~ James'
Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie. ~ James