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'Thank goodness you walked in!'

DEFINITION: n. The mental state induced by the discovery your new husband, and your maid of honor, entangled in the satin sheets given to you as a wedding present by your grandmother. v. To catch your new husband in a close quarters with a close friend.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: sh-itch-t

Sentence: Not only was Coralie shitched, she was also shockled when she realised she was married to rake and would never be able to use the sheets her Nanna had given her.

Etymology: sh*t (exclamation of shock) + hitched (slang for married) (shock + shackled)


love the layers in your words - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-27: 12:22:00

petaj Maybe should have spelt this differently though sheetched - petaj, 2007-03-28: 05:07:00


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Created by: PythianHabenero

Pronunciation: in-sen-flayd

Sentence: When Bella walked in on her husband of one hour and best friend of ten years lying in her bed making poor excuses, she was incenflayed.

Etymology: "Incensed" (made angry) + "betrayed" with aesthetic and semantic help from "inflamed" (made sore, set on fire, a number of other relevant meanings).

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Created by: WindingRoad

Pronunciation: [HUHN-ee-LOO-nuh-see]

Sentence: Ellen felt herself slip into honeylunacy after stumbling onto Steve and Kate's little liaison.

Etymology: Honey (from E honeymoon) and lunacy (from L lunaticus [crazy])

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: bed tray al

Sentence: When Samantha discovered her groom, Roger, with her bridesmaid Marie, together on her marriage bed, she felt horrible bedtrayal. She was enraged that they were doing it on the fabulous new bedding her Grandma had given her. Talk about cheat sheets...

Etymology: Bed (have sexual intercourse with;a piece of furniture in which to sleep and do other things) & Betrayal (be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: sheet-cheet

Sentence: Jill was stunned to find that her new husbum was a sheetcheat. She began to suspect something when she heard that her girlfriend just happened to book a vacation the same place they were having their honeymoon.

Etymology: sheet (a large rectangular piece of cotton, linen, or other material used as an article of bedding) + cheat (to deceive)

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Created by: jadklein




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Created by: Mercutioh

Pronunciation: Mehr Dray Juh

Sentence: Seeing Tiffany sliding along the satin created instant murdragia

Etymology: Murder, Rage

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Created by: metapsyche

Pronunciation: Mur-them

Sentence: I caught 'em! I want to murthem!

Etymology: Mur (murder) + them (them!) = Murthem

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Created by: Tanik

Pronunciation: in-sta-vor-s-ial

Sentence: Sally was feeling instavorcial when she saw Bob and Tina in the guest room trying out Grandma's gift. She had always wanted satin sheets!

Etymology: instant + divorce

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: wedshäk

Sentence: Julie should have guessed that there was odd about her new husband’s insistence that her bff Joan go along on their honeymoon. Sure, there was a great discount for the added ticket sale but did they really need to share a room? Julie is now in wedshock. She discovered Joan and her new hubby showering together when she returned from shopping. They tried to say that they were just saving water but she’s not buying it. The only question now, divorce or wedGlock?

Etymology: wedlock (the state of being married) +shock (a sudden upsetting or surprising event or experience)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-03-27: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by sunny09.
Thank you sunny09! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-10-14: 04:06:00
Today's definition was suggested by sheets. Thank you sheets. ~ James