Vote for the best verboticism.

'Did you really spend all our rent money on those shoes?'

DEFINITION: v. To compulsively shop for and buy shoes that are stylish, sexy and extremely uncomfortable. n. A person who has an uncontrolled, psychological dependency on impractical shoes.

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Created by: scrabbelicious

Pronunciation: |hɑːd| |ʃɛl|

Sentence: Julie was a tough nut for the craic. She needed to be tough on account of her choice of footwear. The only thing tougher than Julie was Julie's feet, bulletproof they where. Very hardshell feet and a weakness for Gucci shoes or any strapless 6" heel, that's our Julie.

Etymology: Loose association of Hard sell and hard shell...which only makes sense to me, and in the context outlined above.

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Created by: 818466

Pronunciation: ped-troph-e

Sentence: The sales women was looking around the store for a helpless person in need and laid eyes on a man that seemed in need of help, when she went to grab the shoes f his choice and returned she realized that he had pedtrophey and ruined her day.

Etymology: ped- feet. troph- to nourish

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: stil-let-toe-sis

Sentence: Stilettosis is a chronic condition that afflicts a vast number of women, manifesting at first as a penchant for cute shoes then metastasizing throughout the entire budget to include matching outfits, purses and, in extreme cases, jewelry. Women who show signs of this condition should immediately seek help from their banker. In advanced stages a pursectomy may be needed to remove the credit card.

Etymology: stiletto: (from the Italian word for dagger or switchblade) is an uncomfortable shoe with a high thin heel that women think look sexy but can lead to all kinds of foot and back maladies + osis: (suffix) a chronic or abnormal condition


artr Love it! Great word and \"sentence\". - artr, 2009-07-20: 09:03:00

Gooid pursectomy! - Nosila, 2009-07-20: 12:16:00

Stilettosis starts with shoes and spreads "throughout the entire budget" love this too - excellent details & word. - splendiction, 2009-07-20: 20:54:00

Funny and clever....great word and story. - mweinmann, 2009-07-21: 08:26:00


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Created by: 584642

Pronunciation: twur. sect. amy

Sentence: I had to get a twersectomy by my weave wearing friend Watermelondrea. Now I won't have the urge to get my eagle on everywhere I go.

Etymology: twer- to twerk sect- to cut, divide omy- removal of

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: hee/leo/trow/pizm

Sentence: Sally had an advanced case of heeliotropism and could not restrain herself from purchasing shoes with higher and higher heels.

Etymology: heliotropism (an involuntary response to the sun's rays) + heel


She's a heeliotramp! - Nosila, 2009-07-20: 12:14:00


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Created by: focusteacher

Pronunciation: Puh deh truh ment

Sentence: Angela's awkward gait and excessive shoe store charges told Paul he'd hitched his wagon to a pedebtriment.

Etymology: From the Latin pes=foot + Latin debitum=thing owed + Latin detere=to weaken or impair

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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /pra-duh-DIK-shun/

Sentence: In order to combat her Pradaddiction, Carrie was sent to a rehab center where the patients were only allowed to wear Crocs, those cheap, ugly, plastic shoes. Luckily for her, after a few days, her co-dependant shopping buddies came up with a plan. They borrowed a utility van, smuggled her out of the rehab center and brought her straight to the mall downtown. 'No woman could ask for better friends,' thought Carrie, as rifled through her credit cards to find one that wasn't maxed-out.

Etymology: Prada - a well-known Italian fashion company; designer of clothing and shoes, commonly mentioned in S&TC (originally "Prada Brothers", founded in 1913 by Mario Prada in Milan) + Addiction - complusive need characterized by obsessive behavior (from Latin, addictus "assigned, surrendered")


BTW, I'm not in the 'fashion police' but I think those Crocs shoes are just about ugly enough to be banned in public... (check out: - Tigger, 2008-06-02: 03:27:00

I agree...they make everyone's fett look twice their size, in juicy colours! - Nosila, 2008-06-02: 23:28:00


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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: klog - sess - iv

Sentence: Janelle was obsessed with her clogs. She liked how they looked, she liked how they sounded. The selection on was exciting and she now owned 20 pairs. Her feet were not thanking her right now but Janelle was hooked on clogs.

Etymology: Clog (A type of shoe or sandal made predominantly out of wood), Obsessive


wooden you, too? - Nosila, 2009-07-20: 12:11:00


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Created by: emcfernandez

Pronunciation: pah-der-o-may-knee-ah

Sentence: My poderomania kept my closets filled to the brim with expensive, sexy shoes

Etymology: pod-foot ero-love mania-madness about, passion for

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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: shoo-per-holl-ik

Sentence: a quick glance in her closet was enough to confirm that she was a hopeless shoepperholic

Etymology: shoe, shopperholic

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-06-02: 00:40:01
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-07-20: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-08-02: 00:24:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James