Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To engage in an emotional debate over the small, yet somehow surprisingly important details in a simple game. n. An emotional game player
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: WindingRoad
Pronunciation: [mi-NOO-shi-reyj]
Sentence: He knocked over the board as he minutiraged over his friend's move.
Etymology: From minutiae and rage
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: CHEE-te-de-BATE
Sentence: Harry was a renowned cheatedebater - having a fastidious nature there was no sign of a nittygritimpairment.
Etymology: cheat (an action that often causes game players to pore over the rule book) + heated (high level of emotion) + debate (argue)
Created by: sasgod
Pronunciation: as game and mania are pronounced with the 2 'M's rolled into 1
Sentence: Every time we sat down to a quite game of cards, the discussion of rules would end in a full-blown case of gamemania
Etymology: game and mania
Created by: Mrgoodtimes
Pronunciation: Triv-eyn-l
Sentence: Family game night never seemed to bring the group closer together due to little Juan's trivanal need to overanalyze every minor detail of the game.
Etymology: Trivial - Anal Why do I emphathise with this definition....
Created by: josje
Pronunciation: man cheater
Sentence: he is a man cheater
Etymology: man cheater.
Created by: serickson
Pronunciation: tur' nee bur nee
Sentence: Shari's' tourneyburny made playing chess with her a real downer.
Etymology: tourney- from tournament, and -burny from burning with rage
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: gāmərāj
Sentence: John is a very mellow guy. Bumper-to-bumper traffic? No problem. Long lines at the grocery? Not an issue. Somebody already submitted the word he devised for Verbotomy? Gamerage!
Etymology: gamer (a person who plays a game or games, typically a participant in a computer or role-playing game) + rage (violent, uncontrollable anger)
Created by: playdohheart
Pronunciation: you-cant-trum
Sentence: It is impossible to own all four railroads in Monopoly without someone throwing a youcantrum.
Etymology: "You can't (do that)!" + tantrum
Created by: jonobo
Pronunciation: lose-o-phobe
Sentence: He was losophobing around, so i simply marked him on my list of people to never play again with. If you like gaming, stay away from losophobians.
Etymology: lose + phobia = losophobe
Created by: LittleLula
Good word, Lula...just fleshj in with a pronunciation;sentence & etymology, plus 2 votes to expand your score!Cheers! - Nosila, 2009-10-16: 21:51:00
petaj - 2007-03-28: 05:25:00
Glad to see a definition coming out of the cheatedebate that went on the other day :-)
Bulletchewer - 2007-03-28: 06:26:00
Give a brother some credit for that one.
Verbotomy - 2009-10-15: 03:18:00
Today's definition was suggested by Alchemist. Thank you Alchemist. ~ James