Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To engage in an emotional debate over the small, yet somehow surprisingly important details in a simple game. n. An emotional game player
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: play + cot + ick
Sentence: He got all playchotic over whether red moved first, or black, so I just let him win at checkers.
Etymology: psychotic + play
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: in-struck-shun-book-let-ee-kut
Sentence: Every single games night ended with a protracted session of instructionbookletiquette... and then Gary would knock the board over and go home....we all hated Gary
Etymology: instruction booklet, etiquette
well done! - galwaywegian, 2007-03-28: 03:37:00
You and a few thousand Scousers hate Gary. On any other day I'd tell you of my distaste for Steve, but the lad done good. - Bulletchewer, 2007-03-28: 18:00:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: skrab plur
Sentence: Marvin played Scrabble every Saturday night with his friends. He tried to cheat, made up words and got passionately argumentative when his friends challenged him. The official Scrabble dictionary was always consulted, but Marvin insisted that they did not have all the words in it yet, as the language was constantly evolving. He was a scrabpler for sure, but his friends suspected his verbal diarrhea and intellectual constipation were more due to his IVS... Irritable Vowel Syndrome!
Etymology: Scrabble (a board game in which words are formed from letters in patterns similar to a crossword puzzle; each letter has a value and those values are used to score the game) & Scrapper (someone who fights (or is fighting)
Created by: sedatedeyes209
Pronunciation: min·us·cu·lo·quac·i·ty
Sentence: Congressmen must have mastered using minisculoquacity in order to sound educated but that practice only shows that the opposite.
Etymology: ~Miniscule + *Loquacity ~Very small; tiny *The habit or practice of talking continually or excessively; inclination to talk too much; talkativeness; garrulity.
Created by: featherblade
Pronunciation: gah-pour-dee-eat-lee
Sentence: Although we were sure that Linda was upset over her failure to convince Tommy to see it her way during a gapordeatlie over a chess game, we were completely shocked when we saw that she had chunked a stapler at his head.
Etymology: game + play + ordeal+ great+ lie (yeah, it's all mixed around)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: gāmərāj
Sentence: John is a very mellow guy. Bumper-to-bumper traffic? No problem. Long lines at the grocery? Not an issue. Somebody already submitted the word he devised for Verbotomy? Gamerage!
Etymology: gamer (a person who plays a game or games, typically a participant in a computer or role-playing game) + rage (violent, uncontrollable anger)
Created by: Discoveria
Pronunciation: Win-sisst
Sentence: Newlywed Debbie winsisted when her husband Ben tried to play "woethario" on the board. It ended in weddoplexy.
Etymology: Win + insist + resist
Perfect. - Bulletchewer, 2007-03-28: 14:05:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: gaym - bayn - grrr
Sentence: Freddy was behaving like a gamebanger while he angrily shouted out the clues in this round of password. He felt that Sherman had secretly slipped the secret word to Shirley during the lightening round and it had put his team behind.
Etymology: game, gangbanger, bang
Excellent! - splendiction, 2009-10-15: 23:09:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: CHEE-te-de-BATE
Sentence: Harry was a renowned cheatedebater - having a fastidious nature there was no sign of a nittygritimpairment.
Etymology: cheat (an action that often causes game players to pore over the rule book) + heated (high level of emotion) + debate (argue)
Created by: Jaxies
Pronunciation: /com-petty-i-vism/
Sentence: "Daisy had developed a severe case of compettyvism during a fast-paced game of scrabble against Tim, concerning whether or not 'PROV', as in the active ingredient in Pantene Pro-v, was a real word. It started with laughter and ended in Tim's hospitalization."
Etymology: Competitive + petty + -vism
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: ver BUSE'
Sentence: I like playing games with my brother, except when he ends up getting upset over my interpretation of the rules and subjects me to the most terrible verbuse. I say he's too rigid, then he says the way I'm doing it is "incorrect" and "inaccurate." And don't ever say to him, "Who cares about these little details; it's JUST A GAME," because that's when he begins sputtering and spouting some REALLY verbusive language. Last time, it was, "Oh, I forgot, you're the 'good-looking' brother [he still hasn't forgotten THAT remark from Aunt Sophie, 35 years later], but that's okay, because I'm the SMART one!"
Etymology: verbose + verbal abuse
Very apt word...good one! - Nosila, 2009-10-15: 18:20:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: scrab-bel-skwab-bel
Sentence: Family game night turned ugly when Ted began a Scrabblesquabble about the word "verbotomy." When his sister protested, Dad looked it up in Webster's; however, it wasn't there. Ted insisted that he saw the word online somewhere. Nettie wasn't sure if being online qualified it as a real word or just something made up. Ted held his ground and insisted that because he saw it online, it must be a real word because they wouldn't put things that aren't real online. Mom suggested that perhaps Ted was confusing two words and somehow mashing them together. As Ted's belligerence grew louder, Nettie stormed off and pouted, Mom retreated to the kitchen and little Rosie began to cry and throw blocks at the dog from her playpen. Dad had enough. He finally shut the whole thing down and sent everyone to bed. The next week they tried something a little less controversial like Trivial Pursuit.
Etymology: Scrabble: word building board game where questionable words can be challenged by an opponent and settled by proving the validity of the word using a dictionary + squabble: a noisy quarrel, usually over a trivial matter
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: mono/pole/em/ix
Sentence: Boardgames were just an excuse for us to engage in monopolemics
Etymology: monopoly (popular board game) + polemics (art or practice of controversy)
Polemics eh? You learn something new every day! That said, this tiny mind reckons it sounds more like fighting over money or control of an entire market area. - Bulletchewer, 2007-03-28: 18:04:00
Hey, that's perfect! - jedijawa, 2007-03-29: 07:09:00
I think it actually refers to theological controversy but money/markets certainly a religion - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-29: 08:46:00
Created by: Mercutioh
Pronunciation: meh ga lo mo nah po lee yuh
Sentence: The three year feud that ultimately ended in divorce, started with a little megalomonopolia about the hotel on Baltic AvE
Created by: WindingRoad
Pronunciation: [mi-NOO-shi-reyj]
Sentence: He knocked over the board as he minutiraged over his friend's move.
Etymology: From minutiae and rage
Created by: Mrgoodtimes
Pronunciation: Triv-eyn-l
Sentence: Family game night never seemed to bring the group closer together due to little Juan's trivanal need to overanalyze every minor detail of the game.
Etymology: Trivial - Anal Why do I emphathise with this definition....
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: trivēəldispyoōt
Sentence: It doesn*t matter what board game Gary is playing or who is playing. At some point every game turns into trivialdispute where the minutiae of some rule comes into question.
Etymology: trivial (of little value or importance) + dispute (a disagreement, argument, or debate) a play on Trivial Pursuit
Created by: Bulletchewer
Pronunciation: bullitt-choo
Sentence: He would bulletchew over whether the philospher had a minor or major role in the world of psychology, insisting with all of his deluded heart that such a description was vital, not silly and trivial.
Etymology: All of you should check out Alchemist's word "guiltenfreude" from a few days ago. The origin is from yours unruly, and the name seemed appropriate too- only a fool would chew bullets, and likely break their teeth.
wouldn't dare argue with this verbotomy - very funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-28: 09:53:00
OK, credit given with a vote. - petaj, 2007-03-29: 05:17:00
Created by: TANGO609
Pronunciation: Bow-Force
Sentence: There wasn't enough boforce to launch the rocket.
Etymology: Boforce=Blast Off Force(Explosive force)
Created by: jedijawa
Pronunciation: par-cheese-off
Sentence: Bill, how often gets overly competitive in games, usually starts to parcheeseoff the other players within the first rounds of the game.
Etymology: Parcheesi (a game) + cheese off (annoy)
An above par word, and cheesy at the same time... - wordmeister, 2007-03-28: 10:31:00
A great sounding word! I'd verbattle anyone for cheese! - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-28: 14:13:00
LOL very funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-29: 09:22:00
You guys sure are nice to each other around here. That's a nice touch! :-) - jedijawa, 2007-03-29: 23:24:00
Most people are except when it comes to a groom and a maid of honour and the the bride's marrage. - Stevenson0, 2007-03-30: 12:56:00
By the way a great word! You got my vote!! - Stevenson0, 2007-03-30: 12:57:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: ver bot oh sighed
Sentence: Her snide remarks and superior attitude caused him to commit verbotocide by literally making her eat her words
Etymology: verbotomy, genocide
Words can kill... - Nosila, 2012-07-26: 22:42:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: loo doh krus
Sentence: People in the ping pong world were getting tired of his ludocrous behaviour as he screamed "You can not be serious!" everytime he missed the table.
Etymology: ludicrous ludo
Created by: Alchemist
Pronunciation: ver-bah-toe-MAY-hem
Sentence: After Quentin challenged Sally's 8-letter word, last night's weekly Boggle game quickly descended into full blown verbotomayhem. I am still stepping on those little darn cubes.
Etymology: from the greek "verbomaehemnae", meaning to throw the pieces when mad...
Is this the opposite of balderdashaster? Have you played Balderdash - it's the opposite of verbotomy - players make up definitions. - petaj, 2007-03-28: 05:48:00
there are some who say making up definitions is also part of verbotomy :-) - Alchemist, 2007-03-28: 07:42:00
I thought Balderdash was a Flemish head-shaving race. - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-28: 08:06:00
I thought "balderdash" was a euphemism (think poppycock), or that old Nintendo game based on the joys of mining. - Bulletchewer, 2007-03-28: 09:25:00
^^ That's probably why the make-up-definitions game is called Balderdash. - Discoveria, 2007-03-28: 13:05:00
Give the detective a medal. Two medals. Next we'll be told how "boulder" is the pun in the Nintendo game... - Bulletchewer, 2007-03-28: 17:56:00
Created by: PythianHabenero
Pronunciation: quig-li-fy
Sentence: I hardly ever play Scrabble without quiglifying every little letter.
Etymology: "Quibble" + "niggle" + "-ify" for aesthetic concerns.
Created by: sasgod
Pronunciation: as game and mania are pronounced with the 2 'M's rolled into 1
Sentence: Every time we sat down to a quite game of cards, the discussion of rules would end in a full-blown case of gamemania
Etymology: game and mania
Created by: AJrunsonrice
Pronunciation: whore-moan-op-poll-eyes
Sentence: John has played Monopoly ever since he was a kid. It is his favorite game. Last Sunday, he played with his new friends, but began hormonopolizing due to his friends' ignorance of the standard rules.
Etymology: hormone-(a substance, especially in women that are pregnant, that drastically affects a person's emotional state)+ Monopoly (a board game that requires the player to buy out all of his/her competition in order to be victorious)
Created by: josje
Pronunciation: man cheater
Sentence: he is a man cheater
Etymology: man cheater.
Created by: playdohheart
Pronunciation: you-cant-trum
Sentence: It is impossible to own all four railroads in Monopoly without someone throwing a youcantrum.
Etymology: "You can't (do that)!" + tantrum
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: loo doe crus
Sentence: this scrabblesquabble was just another exdample of his ludocrous behaviour
Etymology: ludo, ludicrous,
two for the price of one! - galwaywegian, 2007-03-28: 03:35:00
haha...I almost went with scrabblesquabble! Mine! give it back!!! - Alchemist, 2007-03-28: 05:46:00
Also the notion of "cross" meaning angry? Three medals for me. - Bulletchewer, 2007-03-28: 17:58:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: skrab-uhl-skwob-uhl
Sentence: Everybody loves that James now has an electronic edition of Scrabble. Nobody has to engage in a scrabblesquabble when they play him. When he tries to play a word that he "knows" is right, he can scream at the computer all he wants and nobody but neighbors within three blocks have to hear it.
Etymology: Scrabble (Board game where you create interconnected words) + squabble (to engage in a petty quarrel)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: bawl der dash
Sentence: It was always a Risk to invite Bawlthazar the Bawlderdash to our weekly Games Night. He liked to have a Monopoly on winning but did not use his Cranium. His thoughts were so Scrabbled and so Scattergoried that he did not have a Clue how to play most games. And yet he would bawl when he lost. We started having secret Games Nights. I know, it was a Trivial Pursuit of some fun, but if The Bawlderdash got wind of our plans, we would be Sorry. Somedays we wanted to sink his Yahtzee with our Battleship. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose...I guess that's just the Game of Life!
Etymology: Balderdash (a popular board game of trivia and bluffing, where players bluff meanings of obscure words to win points, Balderdash is also defined as trivial nonsense) & Bawl (cry loudly;shout loudly and without restraint;make a raucous noise)
Balderdash is my favourite game! Great word and sentence. - splendiction, 2009-10-15: 23:06:00
Created by: azazn
Pronunciation: khan-tris-tear-ick-uhl-vouls-ee
Sentence: Mark and Bob, I am sick of this Contrystericalvowelsy!! I quit.
Etymology: Contr: from Controversy. ysterical: from hysterical. vowelsy: from vowel. sy to add a nice zing.
Created by: bingold
Pronunciation: fin-ster
Sentence: v- Why must you finster over every move?? n- Bruce is such a finster; he just takes all the fun out of the game.
Created by: erasmus
Pronunciation: skr ab qu obb le
Sentence: never get in to a game of scrabble with John, it will always end in a scrabquobble
Etymology: from quibble and scrabble and squabble.
Created by: Koekbroer
Pronunciation: blud-plae-yer
Sentence: "I am done playing Doug. I can't take all his yelling anymore. He is a total bloodplayer"
Etymology: blood; play
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: skra-pull
Sentence: Despite the fact that the points were as useless as tits on a bull, Bulletchewer and Jabberwocky scrappled over the nuances of Stevenson0's Verbotocism. In the meantime, Purpleartichoke's word languished, garnering nothing more than a passing glance.
Etymology: Scrabble - the word game; Scrap - an argument; Scrap - a small detail; Scrapple - A Pennsylvania Dutch meat product made from cornmeal mush mixed with normally discarded pork scraps, onions, and spices.
sounds like an acrimonopolyous encounter - petaj, 2007-03-28: 05:41:00
My apologies in advance for monikerizing on my fellow Verbotomists. I couldn't think clearly this morning as I still have that damn song stuck in my head. - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-28: 05:56:00
No doubt that's why you've mistaken Jabberwocky for Alchemist. - petaj, 2007-03-28: 05:57:00
Did not! Aw geez, don't mess with me! (... in white satin. Never reaching the end...) - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-28: 06:04:00
Do bulls have nipples? Let's get into a bulletchew over this one. - Bulletchewer, 2007-03-28: 06:34:00
Why of course they do, Bulletchewer! Everyone knows that bulls secretly want to be cows, but then again, that may be a lot of nipbull. - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-28: 07:24:00
Petaj, dude, read again, I have more than one bullet to chew. The voodoo child was right! So technically bulls do have tits (teats=nipples) but are they still useless...? Mahahaha I'm playing with you now. - Bulletchewer, 2007-03-28: 08:47:00
I've heard "scrapple" used to describe a breakfast dish in the Scranton, PA region of Pennsylvania from a college friend. I'm not sure what type of food that it is though. Still, I like this word! - jedijawa, 2007-03-28: 08:57:00
Sounds like something Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute would eat. - Bulletchewer, 2007-03-28: 09:21:00
I was looking for a word like this but it eluded me :D - Discoveria, 2007-03-28: 09:57:00
oops, misread that one. Thought it was the nuances of guiltenfreude that were scrappled. - petaj, 2007-03-29: 05:15:00
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈnɪtˌlɪntʃ/
Sentence: I was nearly nitlynched at the chess club when I incorrectly captured my opponents queen en passant.
Etymology: From nitpick + lynch
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: proh/tuh/klash
Sentence: Because of his competitive nature, a protoclash would undoubtably occur if the score was not in his favour.
Etymology: protocol (rules) + clash
Created by: CharlieB
Pronunciation: con-test-ee
Sentence: Jez was a REALLY competitive player. If he sensed his opponent wasn't paying sufficient attention he would get all contesty and yell, "This is NOT just a GAME!"
Etymology: contest (a formal game in which two or more players compete and attempt to win) + testy (irritably impatient, touchy)
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: scrab BUE pu LOUS
Sentence: His intensely fussy way of playing scrabble earned him the name: Mr. Scrabbupulous. It was he the scrabbupulous player who used rules when they were only in his favour to win. One day, determined to change the state of play, they beat him at his game with petty plays and constant whining, louder than Mr. Scrabbupulous’! (Memorizing the dictionary did help them). Scrabbupulous, a bad loser, declared, “There’s something wrong with my game!”
Etymology: Scrabble, scrupulous, tumultuous.
He turned into Mr.Scabbupulous! - Nosila, 2009-10-16: 01:40:00
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: scrim/bage
Sentence: They got inot a real scrimbage while playing card games
Etymology: scrimmage (struggle) + cribbage
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: skrab bel liv id it ee
Sentence: Sheldon was a poor sport when he played board games. He cheated and intimidiated his partners and got mad when he lost. His scrabblividity usually resulted in shouting matches. It was suspected that he had vowel trouble...
Etymology: Scrabble (board game like crossword) & Lividity (a state of fury so great the face becomes discolored)
Created by: serickson
Pronunciation: tur' nee bur nee
Sentence: Shari's' tourneyburny made playing chess with her a real downer.
Etymology: tourney- from tournament, and -burny from burning with rage
Created by: ArtistInTraining
Pronunciation: dram-jaw
Sentence: john can sometime's be big dramejah when he is starting to lose. he over reacts all the time!
Etymology: drame - french for drama jah - from jue (french for game)
Created by: jonobo
Pronunciation: lose-o-phobe
Sentence: He was losophobing around, so i simply marked him on my list of people to never play again with. If you like gaming, stay away from losophobians.
Etymology: lose + phobia = losophobe
Created by: coachnomad23
Pronunciation: Rule-legality
Sentence: The little child was always so picky about the rulegalities of the game so much that it made others not want to play any more.
Created by: LittleLula
Good word, Lula...just fleshj in with a pronunciation;sentence & etymology, plus 2 votes to expand your score!Cheers! - Nosila, 2009-10-16: 21:51:00
Created by: jrogan
Pronunciation: ver-bom-bard
Sentence: He clever verbombard, often quoting Shakespeare, but alas, he was trouble all the same...
Etymology: verb+bomb+bard
Created by: suzanne
Pronunciation: pet-ee-foh-rs
Sentence: his pettyfours made his partner cringe and wish that the game of tic tac toe would be soon over.
Etymology: petty- from french petit meaning small
Created by: mana1066
Pronunciation: fat-chew-a-sir-jel
Sentence: he got all factuasurdial on me and read all the directions in a high pitched squeel
Etymology: fatuous + absurd +emotional
petaj - 2007-03-28: 05:25:00
Glad to see a definition coming out of the cheatedebate that went on the other day :-)
Bulletchewer - 2007-03-28: 06:26:00
Give a brother some credit for that one.
Verbotomy - 2009-10-15: 03:18:00
Today's definition was suggested by Alchemist. Thank you Alchemist. ~ James