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'But I don't want my hamburger in a car'

DEFINITION: v. To ignore conventional wisdom and traffic rules by walking in areas normally restricted to motor vehicles. n. An aggressive pedestrian who feels it is their god-given right to walk in the middle of the road.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: ig-nor-AM-buhl-ayt-ehr

Sentence: Seemingly unaware of traffic laws or of the fact that he was impeding traffic as well as endangering his very life, Norman continued on, the unmindful ignorambulator, leaving cursing motorists in his wake.

Etymology: : Blend of 'ignoramus' (one who is lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact) and 'ambulator' (One who walks about; a walker)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: skayr am byu layt

Sentence: When Denny decided to scareambulate the drive-through at the local fast food joint, he wanted a milk and a chili. His milk was shaken and his chili was alarming.

Etymology: Scare (frighten) & Perambulate (walk by foot)

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Created by: 588314




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Created by: emnbrock

Pronunciation: in-sar-a-bruh-demi

Sentence: That person who just jumped off a bridge is an incerebrdemi.

Etymology: in- not, without; cerebr- brain; demi- people

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Created by: rianna

Pronunciation: dis-an-thow-pa-dat-erra

Sentence: The dysanthropdiaterra walked through the road with out even looking both ways because he felt he had the right of way.

Etymology: dys-bad anthrop-man, human dia-through, across terra-land

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Created by: 585860

Pronunciation: cy-co-ant-I-side-walk-is-uhm

Sentence: The man on the bike had psychoantisidewalkism so he rode on the highway.

Etymology: psycho- in the mind anti- against

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: pep est reee an

Sentence: Walking Bull denied being a pepestrian, ststing that he waited for the red man before crossing the road.

Etymology: pedestrian, pest

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Created by: paintergrl1313

Pronunciation: Ded-ped

Sentence: Look at that deadped thinking they can ignore the rules of traffic and walk through a drive thru.

Etymology: A pedestrian could get killed doing that, mostly cause imma run them over

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Created by: 536633

Pronunciation: heh-mee-ser-ee-bro

Sentence: "That brainless guy walking in the middle of the street is a regular hemicerebro!"

Etymology: "hemi"- half or partly, "cerebro"- brain

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Created by: brocknem

Pronunciation: An-ti-sof-ee

Sentence: As the pedestrian was doing many Antisophy tasks, a burglar came up to him and shanked him.

Etymology: Anti- against -sophy - wise


wooowww im quite shocked to be honest with you. - brocknem, 2010-09-13: 12:30:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-03-02: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-09-13: 00:41:00
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James