Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: v. To compulsively describe, in excruciating detail, the minute events of one's everyday life as it happens; especially when assisted by modern information technology systems. n. A person who feels compelled to "share" every detail of their life, with everyone.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: mee/op/ics
Sentence: Meopics is the word according to me
Etymology: me + myopics
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: web + bore
Sentence: I don't read his blog, it's just a webbore about what happened to him every single day.
Etymology: Guess!
Created by: missprivate
Pronunciation: blo·gur'·ism
Sentence: Katie told me all about her Rice Krispies today; she has such a bad case of bloggerism.
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ɹiˈblɑdʒəˌteɪt/ note the soft "g"
Sentence: I spent a year reblogitating all the gory, trivial details of my life in a long stream of digital diary-a way back in the 1990's before the word "blog," when every one of us web diarists thought we'd invented the idea.
Etymology: from regurgitate + blog
Ah, you were a pop-up blogger back then. BTW, love the word. Sounds great when you stick out your tongue to emphasize the "blah" sound in the middle. - purpleartichokes, 2007-04-11: 13:20:00
Yeah it's funny... All this new stuff, new technology, and even new words, and it's really the same old stuff we have been doing forever... - wordmeister, 2007-04-11: 14:15:00
The difference being is that now there's a fad for showing off all this stuff to anyone willing to pay attention. - ErWenn, 2007-04-11: 17:17:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: twētərdəm
Sentence: Her user name is Tweet16. Whether on Twitter, her blog, her MyFace or SpaceBook account, she inundates the blathersphere with the mynutia of her life. She is the voice of tweeterdum. Does she have anything interesting to say? She could bore the stink off a skunk.
Etymology: Tweeter (A micro-blog post on the Twitter social network site, or the act of posting on it) + dumb (stupid) A play off of Tweedledum, one of the twins in Lewis Carroll\'s Through the Looking Glass.
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: mow byle
Sentence: if he heard any mohbile from her and her mobile she was going to require a nu-bile.
Etymology: more bile, mobile
Created by: davedave
Pronunciation: /kəˈmyunnæreɪt/
Sentence: My sister communarrated all night about how she wanted to change her hair part.
Etymology: communicate < Latin 'commūnicātus' (past part. of commūnicāre) to impart, make common + narrate < Latin 'narrātus' (past part. of narrāre) to relate, tell, say
talk about splitting hairs! - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-17: 05:59:00
I like COMMUNARATE. I think a successful word should be pronounceable on the first go...
cleverness must be secondary. - metrohumanx, 2008-06-17: 14:23:00
Created by: Erikv
Pronunciation: Eye-ten-shun
Sentence: After reading her intention post extolling the virtues of being in a Subway at that very moment, I knew I would never have to view the world through unenlightened eyes ever again.
Etymology: I from iPad, iPod etc. Plus attention
Created by: wordmeister
Pronunciation: bloo-ger
Sentence: Ashely was a compulsive twitterer, blogger and videographer. If she did it, she documented it. No detail was ever spared. And no thought was ever given. Unfortunately, she was also a compulsive nose picker, which meant that her bloogers were full of boogers.
Etymology: blog + booger
Good one! - lumina, 2008-06-17: 10:37:00
Thanks lumina! You got your comment in, before I even bloogered about it! - wordmeister, 2008-06-17: 11:09:00

Today's definition was suggested by Alchemist.
Thank you Alchemist! ~ James
lumina - 2008-06-17: 10:39:00
lumina - 2008-06-17: 10:40:00
Great! Love it!
MANECDOTAL is very good...kind of intuitive and rolloffatistic.
MONOTOLOG is another classic. Simple yet funny.
Today's definition was suggested by Alchemist. Thank you Alchemist. ~ James