Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n. A person who adopts the stylings, mannerisms and even of the personality of their favorite rock, movie or television star. v. To derive your identity from someone else, especially a famous person.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: fake-er-ree-rock-er
Sentence: Al emunlates Bob Dylan with his fakeryrocker renditions,singing into a kitchen scrub brush used as a mic.
Etymology: Fakery: One that is not authentic or genuine; a sham, to contrive and present as genuine; counterfeit,to simulate; feign as in music To improvise. Rocker: A rock musician ~
There's more bugs in here than in my back yard with adding ONLY took my link and not my sentence? What's up with that? It usually accepts sentences...instead it locked up & only took the code...this has been FUN this week though thx JAMES~ - abrakadeborah, 2009-05-06: 07:04:00
good word - Nosila, 2009-05-06: 23:21:00
Thank you VERY much Nosila!!!! - abrakadeborah, 2009-05-10: 06:37:00
Created by: BeauKnows
Pronunciation: Lil-Wayn-Ker
Sentence: Dave struggling through a midlife crisis, did not buy a Corvette. He decided to unleash is inner rapper. When the auto tune craze hit he was unstoppable. He was so obsessed, he even got a tear drop tattoo. He became a lilwaynker.
Etymology: Lilwayn (the rapper) Wanker (pejorative term of English origin)
Created by: jasjamson
Pronunciation: Sa lebi cat
Sentence: After a few drinks she's quite the celebycat at the nearest karoke bar.
Etymology: Celebrity + copycat used as a noun to describe this unique individual
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: mi/mik/jag/ur
Sentence: His love for the greatest rock band in the world was reason enough to mimickjagger.
Etymology: mimic + Mick Jagger
Created by: dochanne
Pronunciation: Sell-effigy
Sentence: Michaela couldn't help herself, her identimitation was complete and when she stepped out she was a fabulous and flirtatious Marylin staricature, all blonde curls and buxom bosom. Her idolity extended to feigning an isolating fame but her reputation was cast as the most extravagant and talented celeffigy in town.
Etymology: Celebrity - a person known throughout the world for something other than their talent; Effigy - copy or representation, usually of a famous, infamous or otherwise "known" personage.
With identimitation as Identity and Imitation and reminiscent of identification as why people admire their idols. Staricature - Star and caricature, obvious really, and idolity as Idol and Identity blended because that's what she does.. - dochanne, 2009-05-06: 03:17:00
Iconic :-) - emdeejay, 2009-05-06: 03:23:00
nice - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-06: 13:23:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: sel leb brit mee
Sentence: Wally Wannabee fancied himself a dead ringer for John Cleese, the British Monty Python Comedian. He particularly thought himself as a perfect Basil Fawlty. In his little town, where most had seen the Fawlty Towers series, since they had access to a PBS station, Wally thought himself a celebritme. His famous line was to address his long-suffering wife as "Sybill, my litle nest of vipers" and his Mexican neighbour, Felipe, as "Manuel, he's from Barthalona". The only way his wife could get him to do any housework was to tell him that the Health Inspectors were in town. (But don't mention the War!)
Etymology: Celebrity (a widely known person;famous;the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed) & Brit (a native or inhabitant of Great Britain) & Me (I, myself, first person singular)
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: mok + st + r
Sentence: Jeffrey grew up dreaming that he would become famous singing the songs that he wrote, travelling the world with screaming fans following him. Instead, he became a mockstar, singing songs written by others in their voices with only about 15 fans following him.
Etymology: mock, rock, star
like it - galwaywegian, 2009-05-06: 09:39:00
funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-06: 13:25:00
Simple, succint, efficient. - dochanne, 2009-05-06: 19:05:00
good word! - splendiction, 2009-05-06: 23:05:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: imparisənātər
Sentence: Betty lives her life as an imparisonator. She thinks she looks (and acts) just like Paris Hilton. The fact that she is 5ft-3 and 200 pounds make the parody hard to believe. The fact that she has little talent, has spent time in jail and can't sing very well does makes it easier. Her friends are concerned for the safety of pet Labrador when she dresses it up and tries to carry it around in her purse.
Etymology: impersonator (pretend to be (another person) as entertainment or in order to deceive someone) + Paris (Paris Whitney Hilton is an American socialite, celebutante, heiress, model, media personality, singer and actress.)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: yell eb ritee
Sentence: The smell of dishwashing liquid turned meek Ian into a yellebrity. Tonight he was Swab Dylan singing Like A Rollin Pin and Mr Tambourine Pan.
Etymology: Yell (a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition) & Celebrity (the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed)
well done! - splendiction, 2009-05-06: 23:05:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: em/yu/tu/late
Sentence: Bob changed his name to Bono and now talks with an Irish accent as he desperately tries to emutwolate his favoutite rock star. He's even started wearing those clunky spongy shoes to make himself look taller.
Etymology: emulate + U2

Today's definition was suggested by mweinmann, ~ James
Great definition. I think everyone's really enjoyed their muses on one of the great poets of my generation.
Thank you mrskellyscl. I think everyone has lot's to say about this, because everyone does it... hopefully when no one else is listening ~James
Today's definition was suggested by mweinmann. Thank you mweinmann. ~ James