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'Henry! Get out here quick!'

DEFINITION: v. To try to kill a weed that just won't die. n. A weed that just keeps on coming back, no matter what you do to it.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: zämbēnstôk

Sentence: Zack planted some beans that he was told were magic. Little did he know how true that was. Once planted they could not be stopped. After harvesting a few nasty tasting beans he decided to plant tomatoes so he turned over the soil and put in a few nice plants. The next day he found the uprooted ”mater” plants plastered against the shed as if flung by some unseen hand and the zombeanstalk standing in their place. Thus began a summer of battle to reclaim the garden. Pesticides, herbicides, even hoes and machetes were no match for this evil thing. Every assault just seemed to make it stronger. The onset of Winter finally brought Zack the relief he sought. He is now desperately trying to sell his house so that he can be gone by the Spring thaw.

Etymology: zombie (a soulless corpse said to be revived by witchcraft) + beanstalk (the stem of a bean plant, proverbially fast growing and tall)


love it! - galwaywegian, 2010-11-02: 16:06:00


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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: SAS kwosh

Sentence: Cala had spent many weeks the previous year getting rid of all the different kinds of squash that had grown in her garden. She had made pickles, disguised it in zucchini bread, roasted pumpkin seeds, and cut 20 jack-o-lanterns. She had even simply put some of it in bags which she then dropped off on random doorsteps on her way to work, knowing that her own neighbors would recognize her handiwork. And now it had all returned full force in a spectacularly scary regrowth, with even bigger plants than last year, like Sasquash. Calabashed her head against the wall with the frustration. "Oh my gourd!" she now cried. "It's just not cutecumber any more. It's spaghetting worse every year!" Butternutty ways will have her replanting next summer.

Etymology: Sasquatch + squash


Love it! Your puns are like mine...not for the marrow-minded! - Nosila, 2010-11-02: 22:21:00


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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: rhi-zome-ma-ni-a

Sentence: Harrietta and Henry would landscape and work all weekend long on their lawn... pulling,shoveling,whacking fiercely attacking weeds like a "rhizomemania" on a killing mission! Henry sprayed as she prayed gouging and digging with a razor edged spade. Thinking they had finally gotten rid of all of the weeds...Only to find out the next weekend all the weeds had come back! Harrietta had an attack of "rhizomemania" as she crawled in the grass jerking weeds from all over the yard! They had multiplied, Henry, she shouted! "stop what you are planting please and hurry real fast JUST LOOK the weeds are growing faster than we can pull them up they are taking over our yard!" So, Henry came running with the weed eater in tow, to appease poor ol' Harrietta. She was hysterical and just could not understand how these bothersome weeds grew so fast? Little did she know...Henry returned to his planting in the back yard planting variegated ivy,kudzu and bamboo which he thought was ideal for around the pool...

Etymology: Rhizome:A horizontal, usually underground stem that often sends out roots and shoots. Mania:An excessively intense enthusiasm, interest, or desire; a craze;madness


metrohumanx I love the word "rhizome".Run with it, baby! - metrohumanx, 2009-04-20: 01:06:00

Unique etymology! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-20: 10:00:00

Thank you dears xoxo Deb :) - abrakadeborah, 2009-04-20: 18:03:00

I think you meant Wry-zomemania! I'm rooting for you! - Nosila, 2009-04-20: 22:10:00

Wry thank you Nosila! for rooting for my twisted rhizomemaniaical rhapsody :) - abrakadeborah, 2009-04-22: 05:34:00


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Created by: mkaye


Sentence: After only a few months of neglect, my lawn is now filled with unwhackables.

Etymology: plant growth that is undeterred by a weed whacker

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: dee ter min ayt

Sentence: When Stella realized that the dandelions were not so dandy and the crabgrass was very crabby,she decided to act. Because these weeds allowed pesky bugs to dwell, she decided to deeterminate their existance. Sure for the first few weeks,it was a Garden of Eden, but then all the weeds and bugs returned, like bad boomerangs.

Etymology: DEET (anagram for diethyl(meta)toluamidef, a bug/weed killer) & Terminate (to kill, end) and WordPlay on Determine (shape or influence)

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: in-weed-struck-tab-ul

Sentence: She didn't care if she using the most toxic weed killer around and that it was polluting the water or potentially harming the neighbourhood cats or dogs, as long as all the inweedstructables in her garden were dead, she was happy.

Etymology: indestructable + weed

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Created by: readerwriter

Pronunciation: Aw-dree-twoo-nay-shuhs

Sentence: Lil Seymour cried out for her husband's help. They were coming after her, those audreytwonacious dandylions, elephant ears, tigerlilies, zebra grass and spider plants!

Etymology: Using AUDREY II, the man-eating plant of "Little Shop of Horrors" fame + TENACIOUS, meaning holding firmly, stubbornly. Sometimes also spelled AudreyIInacious


Great word! - splendiction, 2009-04-20: 21:25:00

It's cute and Oddry,too! - Nosila, 2009-04-20: 22:20:00

I love your etymology and word very nice:) - abrakadeborah, 2009-04-22: 06:24:00


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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: sir hound ed

Sentence: Giant Dandy Lions, roared with life, all around Poison Ivy, blocking her sun and drinking up all her water. nearly strangling her and every thing else! Her husband, O. D. Stickers, tried beating them back with his thorny limbs, and was everblasting them with Weed-Be-Gone. Alas and Alack, they just grew right back ... the li-on-and-ons remained kings of the jungle! Like hope springing eternally, Dandy Lions were springing back up ... infernally. O. D. Stickers and Poison Ivy would forever be surrhounded by Dandy Lions!

Etymology: SURROUND, HOUNDED. Surround - occupy the space all around. Hounded - pestered in a persistent, constant, ceaseless manner.


Silvery realy good word! We're all FUNNY Poets very Entertaining! :) - abrakadeborah, 2009-04-20: 18:13:00

It's like they are lion dancing, those Lion Kings! - Nosila, 2009-04-20: 22:14:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: imôrtawēd

Sentence: Randy is a fanatic about his lawn. He is constantly on guard against any encroachment by anything other than his beloved bluegrass. He has been known to vacuum his grass to remove possible stray seeds that might have blown into his yard. That is what has him so upset about the the appearance of an a dandelion in the middle of his yard. He sprang into action, first trying to dig it out. It came back. He then tried herbicide. It thrived. This pest is proving to be an immortaweed even exhibiting herbal resurrection. Randy is weighing the use of dynamite.

Etymology: immortal (living forever; never dying or decaying) + weed (a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: kood-zoo-rek-shuhn

Sentence: It's Spring. It must be kudzurrection time. Kim spends all Summer trying to kill or, at least, curtail these pesky weeds only to have them sprout anew when April comes around. Aaaaaaahhhhhh!

Etymology: Kudzu (fast-growing Chinese and Japanese climbing vine) + resurrection (the act of rising from the dead)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-04-20: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James

abrakadeborah - 2009-04-20: 00:24:00
Silvery is BRILLIANT :)~ Love the cartoon also :)

splendiction - 2009-04-20: 21:35:00
Yes I wish I had more than two votes to cast today!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-04-20: 00:00:23
Thank you abrakadeborah and Silvery! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-11-02: 00:06:00
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James