Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A person who wants to monopolize all of someone's love and tries to prevent them from sharing it with others.v. To monopolize someone's love.
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Created by: hooterbug
Pronunciation: /in/seh/kyoor/a/mah/rah/ta
Sentence: Gina smiled as she passed by the couple walking towards her which earned the poor guy that grinned back at her a thump on the forehead by his insecuramorata.
Etymology: in·se·cure = subject to fears, doubts, etc.; not self-confident or assured: an insecure person+ Inamorata comes from Italian innamorata, feminine of innamorato, from the past participle of innamorare, "to inspire with love," from in- (from Latin) + amore, "love" (from Latin amor, from amare, "to love"). A man with whom one is in love is an inamorato.
interesting - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-24: 16:11:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: eee ross punj
Sentence: She was a complete erosponge, mopping up all the juices he could produce.
Etymology: eros, sponge
Clever! - jedijawa, 2007-04-17: 10:12:00
Clever! - jedijawa, 2007-04-17: 18:53:00
Created by: Javeson1
Pronunciation: jell-leish
Sentence: I tend to be a very jealeash girlfriend.
Etymology: jealous (jealous girlfriend) + leash (likes to keep her man on a short leash)
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: roh-man-tah-seez
Sentence: Candice knew that Barry was no longer being playfully protective, he was thoroughly romantisiezing their relationship
Etymology: romanticise, sieze
Created by: jonobo
Pronunciation: steal + (nation minus first n) + s + (hippie minus ie) + (error minus ror) = pro-nun-sci-ey-tion
Sentence: She was a classic stealationshipper, a control freak lost in an endless spiral of fear and paranoia - sad but true.
Etymology: steal + relationship
Created by: emmyb2
Pronunciation: cling-a-ring
Sentence: Suzie is nothing but a clingoring; I'd recommend you stay away from her.
Etymology: cling + ring
Created by: CharlieB
Pronunciation: smuth-er-half
Sentence: Bill's possessiveness meant he wasn't good boyfriend material. Pity the poor girl whose smotherhalf he was.
Etymology: smother (to suffocate) + other half (expression meaning one's partner or spouse)
Created by: vonnegut
Pronunciation: sin-wat
Sentence: "As your husband, I'll want all your love for myself." She stared at me with widening eyes. "A sin-wat!"... "I will not marry a sin-wat." She stood. "Goodbye." "Good-bye?" I was crushed.
Etymology: Created by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., for Cat's Cradle, published in 1963.
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: re-strain-tion-ship
Sentence: At first he thought Jill was perfect but Jack soon realized that he was in a restraintionsip and it was going to be hard to break free of her control. Seeing her in her black leather boots, though, he had to admit that there was something about the shock collar that excited him.
Etymology: restrain: to hold back or keep in control + restraint: the condition of being restrained + relationship
Verbotomy - 2007-04-17: 04:50:00
Today's definition was suggested by Kurt Vonnegut and first appeared in his novel Cat's Cradle.
Thank you Mr. Vonnegut! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2007-04-18: 02:28:00
See the top 4 words of the day at Why were you looking at that girl? ~ James
- 2008-04-20: 01:04:00
good stuffing
- 2008-04-20: 01:08:00
Verbotomy - 2008-06-24: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Kurt Vonnegut and first appeared in his novel Cat's Cradle.
Thank you Mr. Vonnegut! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-11-03: 00:06:00
Today's definition was suggested by vonnegut. Thank you vonnegut. ~ James
lumina - 2009-11-04: 17:09:00
Thanks for the welcome back Nos. Totally forgot about this fun place. Time to sharpen my verbotomizing skills again. Helloooo methrohumanx!