Vote for the best verboticism.

'We have securitized the lavatory entrance systems'

DEFINITION: v. To demonstrate your superior knowledge and intellect by using complex, confusing and mind-numbingly stupid jargon. n. A person who uses big words to inflate their unusually small ideas.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: bləstərbleðər

Sentence: After years as a spokesperson for the utility company, Jill is so versed in blusterblather that she has trouble understanding her own twaddle.

Etymology: bluster (talk in a loud, aggressive, or indignant way with little effect) + blather (talk long-windedly without making very much sense)

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Created by: Aardvark

Pronunciation: Snaw BLAH BLAH ing

Sentence: Bill was always trying to impress the boss. In almost every meeting he was snobblahblahing his way through his presentation.

Etymology: Snob = believing oneself to be superior, Blah = useless talk (repeated).


Nifty! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-06: 21:40:00


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Created by: Biscotti

Pronunciation: Kuh-mewn-i-gray-shun

Sentence: Andy loved communigreation. It always confused his friends when talking about his pet rock collection when he used words like "gargantuan" or "crystalization".

Etymology: Communication + great (big)


Nice one! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-06: 11:01:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: retch/tor/ik

Sentence: The grad student was so full of rhechtoric that my gag reflex kicked in every time I saw him.

Etymology: rhetoric + retch


Happy New Year, JW...May the farce be always with you! - Nosila, 2009-01-01: 02:45:00


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Created by: OllyBiss




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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: jabərtôkē

Sentence: Lewis loved to talk with Carrol. She, for the most part, was unimpressed with his jabbertalky.

Etymology: jabber (talk rapidly and excitedly but with little sense) + talk (speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings) play on jabberwocky from the title of a nonsense poem in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass (1871)


I LOVE JABBERWOKY! This is so funny, ARTR. - XMbIPb, 2010-05-17: 20:08:00

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!" - XMbIPb, 2010-05-17: 20:08:00


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Created by: kashman

Pronunciation: pomp-a-lishius

Sentence: Listening to the office manager's pompalicious description of simple office tasks depicts how much time she had on her hands.

Etymology: Pompous (excessive display of self-importance) + (a)licious [from lacere meaning deceive or lure; used in words like delicious (de =away) and bootylicious ;)].

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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: DIK shun air ee

Sentence: Arry Gant is such a dicktionary. He likes to use fancy words to obscure the true meaning of what he is really saying, while making it sound really important. Everything he says is technically true; it just comes off sounding a lot better than what really happened. For example, he told us yesterday that he went to an evening philosophy lecture on campus last Thursday, probably because he thought it would impress this really cute girl who hangs out with us a lot. I was getting tired of his B.S., so I called his bluff in front of her and asked him to tell us some things about it. He responded, "Well, it was so esoteric and arcane as to be virtually impenetrable. I only wish it had could have been less rarefied and more prosaic." The girl, whose intelligence he had vastly underestimated, responded, "So what you're saying is that the lecture was meant mainly for people who already have knowledge of the study of philosophy, and so you didn't understand anything the speakers were saying because you probably haven't taken any classes in it. You wish it had been way more simplified so you could have actually understood some of it. Is that right?" All he could say in response was, "Uhhhh...yeah, that's basically it," before slinking away, claiming that he had to "go do something very urgent and important."

Etymology: dick + dictionary


Good word and story...Arry'd make a great dicktator! - Nosila, 2010-05-17: 17:11:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: baloōnē

Sentence: The missives that descended from the corporate office were so much balloony that it was a wonder they didn't just float away.

Etymology: Balloon (a large bag filled with hot air or gas to make it rise in the air) + Loony (a crazy or silly person) Also Baloney (foolish or deceptive talk)


I wonder if ya could make a baloony sammich out of that stuff? - Mustang, 2008-12-31: 23:53:00

Great combination. - OZZIEBOB, 2009-01-01: 00:00:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: ped ann thik

Sentence: Solly was getting bored with Pamela's incessent pedanthick regurgitation of the latest buzzwords. She did however, have a wonderful ass.

Etymology: pedantic, thick


He's a pedantfile, maybe? - Nosila, 2010-05-17: 09:48:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-03-06: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James

purpleartichokes - 2008-03-06: 21:11:00
Love the 'toon today James. I think my boss is considering installing one on our bathroom doors, complete with an age-appropriate timer, which leaves me wondering when I'm gonna get a chance to pluck my eyebrows.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-03-07: 06:05:00
Thanks Purple, Is there a personal purpose code for plucking your eyebrows? ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-05-17: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James