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'Sure, I'd love to talk...'

DEFINITION: n. A person who immediately answers all cell phone calls, then chats on and on, leaving the people they're with, hanging. v. To answer your phone even when you are in the middle of another conversation.

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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: dee CELL er ate

Sentence: Meetings with my boss are a giant pain in the neck and take way too long, because he always manages to decellerate the meeting at least once by answering his cell phone while we are meeting. And everyone is trapped just sitting there because he does the "wait a minute sign" with his index finger throughout the call. Sometimes he even decellerates things further by placing a call and then holding a three-way phone conversation about other business!

Etymology: cell + decelerate

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Created by: jedijawa

Pronunciation: fone-junk-ee

Sentence: Steve was a phonejunkie because he could never let a call go by without taking it and ignoring whoever he was with in the process.

Etymology: phone + junkie

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Created by: jrogan

Pronunciation: cal-gurl

Sentence: Angela was ignored and jealous. Her boyfriend was a callgurl. And would respond whenever anyone called, regardless of what THEY were doing. And worst of all, he was paying for it by the minute. She started to think, that maybe she should charge...

Etymology: call girl


Interesting:like your approach on this one. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-11: 08:11:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: no key ass

Sentence: She sighed as she watched him fumble through the sheets in search of his phone. This was the last straw. He may have been humg like a stallion, but he acted like a complete nokiass

Etymology: nokia ass


artr Looks like he\'ll have to resort to mastercallwaiting. - artr, 2009-10-22: 06:23:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: sel-fish

Sentence: Todd's devotion to his smart phone is stupid. The way he flops from a real-world conversation to one form cyberspace shows he is just a cellfish.

Etymology: cell (short for cellular) + selfish (devoted to or caring only for oneself)

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: self/sen/turd

Sentence: Jack was so cellphcentered that he had his cell phone surgically attached to his ear

Etymology: cell phone + self centered ( really implies cell phone centered)


Like the "ph" in the middle! - purpleartichokes, 2007-04-05: 08:57:00

thanks Purple - I had actually thought of your word and was phrantically trying to come up with another - Jabberwocky, 2007-04-05: 14:43:00

I hate when that happens! Very phrustrating. - purpleartichokes, 2007-04-05: 16:14:00


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Created by: CaptainLoggins

Pronunciation: kahn-vo-switch

Sentence: "She just stopped talking to me when her phone rang! She's such a convoswitch!" "He convoswitched me when his best friend called earlier..."

Etymology: Convo (Conversation) + switch

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Created by: josje

Pronunciation: phoneaholic

Sentence: I like to phone, i am an phoneaholic

Etymology: aholic ans phone.

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Created by: bookowl

Pronunciation: sell/ec/tiv/hearing

Sentence: Cellectivehearing is a modern pandemic.

Etymology: selective hearing + cell


You are so right! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-11: 08:18:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: kawl is inter rup tus

Sentence: Wendy was furious at her fiance Paul's poor manners. He always took phone calls when they were in the middle of something together, like a serious discussion and put her on hold until he was finished. The final straw was on their honeymoon, when at the most intimate moment, he answered a call and talked for ten minutes. She was really mad when she found out that the callisinterruptus was a poll company doing a survey about what he did to make his relationships more romantic!

Etymology: Call is (telephone connection is) & Interrupt us (interfere in someone else's activity)& play on Coitus Interruptus (contraceptive method)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-05: 04:30:00
Today's definition was suggested by Stevenson0.
Thank you Stevenson0! ~ James

pungineer - 2008-08-04: 07:15:00

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-10-22: 03:35:00
Today's definition was suggested by Stevenson0. Thank you Stevenson0. ~ James