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DEFINITION: n., A pesky but persistently painful, and seemingly incurable paper cut, which simply refuses to heal. n. To cut or injure a "high use" body part, like a fingertip, knuckle or tongue.
Top verboticism of the day created by simoneshin
Pronunciation: emo-philia
Sentence: Suzie pinched herself with the needle and now she thinks she's going to die. A very very slow and excrutiating death
Etymology: emotion + hemophilia
Created by: simoneshin.
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(Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Severlasting: /sev - ur - last - ing/ When Bonnie cut off the fingertip of the third finger of her left hand, the pain was intense at first. Now, there seemed to be a severlasting ache when any pressure was applied and she found it difficult to play her Nintendo DS. Etymology: sever, everlasting Created by: mweinmann.
Microburden: /MY-crow-BIRD-uhn/ Dr Desmond's waiting room was crowded with the usual assortment of whining hypochondriacs, industrial accident victims, bursting lacerations and a gentleman who lost a crowbar fight at the local pub. When Molly explained her MICROBURDEN to Desmond, he was strangely unsympathetic. Using a scanning electron microscope, the doctor finally located Molly's invisaffliction, and predictably prescribed Motrin and bedrest. Molly explained that her stinging woundlet was like a tiny little albatross that nagged her and made life intolerable, but Desmond inexplicably refused to administer morphine for such a piddling complaint. Molly would just have to face life with her MICROBURDEN, and use this ugly incident as a sentence to be savored on the website..."Verbotomy". Etymology: MICRO+BURDEN=MICROBURDEN.....MICRO: prefix meaning tiny or trifling.....BURDEN: something oppressive or worrisome; Middle English, from Old English byrthen; akin to Old English beran to carry.....alternatatively: MYCROBURDEN Created by: metrohumanx.
Comments: - metrohumanx, 2008-09-03: 08:44:00
Yes- I know it's a bit on the simple side...but I was distracted by Molly's lavender lipstick and tiny tear. - metrohumanx, 2008-09-03: 09:08:00
Hurternity: /hurt turn itee/ Cameron's papercut had gone on for a hurternity. No sooner did it seem to be healing, when she would reopen it again. It did not help that she worked as a file clerk and had to shuffle hundreds of files and papers a day. She would bleed on files and bandages refused to stay on the cuts. She was beginning to think that the only way she could ever heal it would be to go on hurternity leave... Etymology: Hurt (cut,injury,wound,feel pain) & Eternity (a seemingly endless time interval) Created by: Nosila.
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Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James