Vote for the best verboticism.

'Did you get my email?'

DEFINITION: A psychological dependency on electronic messaging which often leads to compulsive emailing, even among people who are sitting inches apart.

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Created by: libertybelle

Pronunciation: Ya-who-four-ee-ya

Sentence: Dennis spent most of his day in a state of Yahoophoria, compulsively chacking his email and im-ing his cubicle mate.

Etymology: Yahoo (email, IM service) and euphoria

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Created by: rwoodward




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Created by: AetasSerenus

Pronunciation: epi-stu-posis

Sentence: A friend of mine has developed a bad case of epistuposis, I haven't spoke face to face with her for over a month

Etymology: From the latin words epístula and pósitus, meaning e-mail and addict

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Created by: faithlessphil

Pronunciation: blak-buh-reed

Sentence: Jack could have just told Mary about the party in person, but years of texting have made him too blackburied.

Etymology: Blackberry + buried

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Created by: earljw

Pronunciation: con-ver-i-va-cee

Sentence: I want to talk to some of my co-workers, but don't want the others to hear. So one of my colleagues and I engage in converivacy.

Etymology: conversation + privacy

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: ee-mes-ij-ee-ah

Sentence: The fonts that his co worker used made him want to stick pins in his eyes, maybe he was suffering from a bad case of emessagia.

Etymology: a mental disorder characterized by compulsive e-messaging

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Created by: greystarling


Sentence: Man, I gotta cure me of this eddiction, it's getting out of hand - I'm checking my email in my sleep!

Etymology: compound noun from "e" of electronic (eg. email, ebook), and "addiction"

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Created by: woofmaster

Pronunciation: e-twit-ter-may-nee-uh

Sentence: I'm sorry, Mrs. Collins. Your son -- your son has etwittermania. He's an etwittermaniac.

Etymology: From "e" (from e-mail, etc.), "twitter" (to twitter on, and, also, Twitter), mania (a suffix typically applied to obsessive behavioral disorders).

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Created by: pinkpearls94

Pronunciation: social-electrouno



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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: ee-lehk-TRAHKS-sihm-muht

Sentence: Alex vainly carried on an electroximate relationship with the woman in the next cubicle. He did wonder why she never returned his IMs, though he knew she was at her desk.

Etymology: electronic + proximate (nearby)

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jadakiss98682 - 2007-08-29: 17:02:00
click on stewhawk and check the etymology of the word. it only makes sense

jadakiss98682 - 2007-08-29: 18:01:00
stewhawk = stephen hawking awesome :)