Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: v. To obsess over, and fantasize about electronic gadgets even though you can never figure out how they actually work. n. A beautiful but useless gadget.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: gautambarathwaj
Pronunciation: Pronunced as "ELEK-TRO-FUNK"
Sentence: He knows about the latest gadgets. He's an Electrophunk!
Created by: Katisms1
Pronunciation: geer-OWzed
Sentence: Despite her Luddite leanings, she became increasingly gearoused with every page turn of her Hammacher Schlemmer catalogue.
Etymology: gear + aroused
Created by: shutz
Pronunciation: e-i-e-i-o, as in "Old McDonald had a farm"
Sentence: He kept buying eieios, and was running out of room to keep the useless but sexy gadgets.
Etymology: Comes from the recent marketing trend of adding e- and i- previxes to otherwise ordinary names to make them hip, current and modern. Also, the "io" part vaguely relates to "input/output", which is intrinsic aspect of all electronic devices, and can also
eieiooooo or eieioh would work as well! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-04: 13:28:00
You got my vote for originality and creativeness! - Stevenson0, 2007-06-05: 21:43:00
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: wizz-bangst
Sentence: everytime the electronics catalogue arrived i was filled with whizzbangst
Etymology: whizz bang[new and exciting], angst
jeezwhiz I bet you felt the same way the first time you had celery filled with cheez whiz - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-04: 12:24:00
Created by: bmills
Pronunciation: Giz/jizz
Sentence: "Dude, you got the new Badberry!?? That's Awesome! I think i just gizjizzed myself. "
Created by: colapop
Pronunciation: \ˈdü-ˌhi-kē\
Sentence: Alice flashed her doohickey at Todd and he was floored. 'Wow, what is that?' he exclaimed, itching to get his hands on the device. 'No no Mister, don't you dare touch my doohickey until you've read the manual' she cooed.
Etymology: 'Doohickey' first originated in 1914, but seems fit for a revival. It derives from the word 'doodad' (gadget) + 'hickey' (love mark)
Created by: hooterbug
Pronunciation: tek /nə / rənt
Sentence: Jamie's Dad couldn't quite understand his daughter. "Why do you need a new Iphone?" "Whats so wrong with the Ipod I got you last year?" "Oh geez DAD!" Jaime whined, "You are SO Technorant!"
Etymology: Blend of Technology and Ignorant
Created by: serendipity9000
Pronunciation: ga-dja-dw-ee-b
Sentence: He was always buying the latest pretty gadgets but never could get them to work - he is such a gadgedweeb!
Etymology: Gadge (from gadget) + dweeb (a person regarded as socially inept or foolish)
Created by: duchessella
Pronunciation: E-le-con
Sentence: I know it is just an elecon, but I can't stop thinking of that newly released electronic can opener!
Etymology: From "electric gadgets" and "Lolicon" In Japanese pop culture, "-con" is a suffix for attraction, fantasy and/or obsession to a certain characteristic in a person, for example Lolicon means attraction to young girls (lolita). Alternative meaning is "elegant icon" - the sleek, beautiful, elegant fashion icon electronic gadgets are to us nowadays.
Created by: idavecook
Pronunciation: Why, fone
Sentence: "I just got the 3G yPhone, it's sleek body feels so good in my hand, and you know I'll pick up some ladies with this thing." You realize, that's just the box you're holding, right?
Etymology: Why don't I have the freakin 3G iPhone!

Today's definition was suggested by shutz. Thank you shutz! ~ James
Read about Jabberwocky's Garden of Verbal Delights in Verbotoweek.
pronunciation: uh-GOG-uh-tek........... sentence:Poor old Ira Gobler was AGOGATECH at his designer's latest device.He was so AGOGATECH that he let the factory's flaccid finances flow into a virtual vat of vapors while he thoughtfully tinkered and tweaked the tin toys and gamboled among the gizmoes generated just beyond the grounded iron gates of the fabrication facility...Someday...he would write an operator's manual...................... etymology: Agog+at+Technology=aGOGatech!
Sometimes my "comments" seem to appear in the wrong places....if only some clever soul would invent a GIZBO to prevent that. brain hurts.....
Today's definition was suggested by shutz. Thank you shutz. ~ James