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Created by: mplsbohemian
Pronunciation: dee-SYRE
Sentence: Alex wanted a bunch of dates, and got them--in a loaf of bread from Auntie. He reluctantly ate the object of his desighre.
Etymology: desire + sigh (of despair)
Created by: Methylphenidateian
Sentence: Like wind as a genie she rubbed the lamp of her life, in a loudish wish, but it only came back to her as a wishper, so subtely, so soft, it was not exactly what she'd wanted; but she could accept it anyhow.
Etymology: whisper + wish = wishper
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: dis-uhp-got
Sentence: He felt like Fred Flintstone, with that "wah, wah, wah, wahhhhh" sound in the background when she made eye contact with him, but flipped him the bird curtly. He skulked home disappgotten again, but far better than being totally ignored.
Etymology: disappoint + got
Created by: rasumohan
Pronunciation: melanie
Sentence: wish for malony
Etymology: From Tamil
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: BOON-er-ang
Sentence: Tom was regretting having received a boonerang as he plummeted to the bottom of the Grand Canyon when all he had wanted was a closer look.
Etymology: boon (a benefit granted) + [boom]erang (the returning weapon)
Created by: Paradox
Pronunciation: Tw-ish
Sentence: When I said I'd love for her to fall for me, I didn't mean that she should suddenly drop dead on the street while walking past me! Damn, what a twish!
Etymology: Twist + wish.
Created by: Kitten3735
Pronunciation: glee POYNT ment
Etymology: glee + disappointment = gleepointment!
This is a pretty good word - you should always use it in a sentence though, so that you get your full allotment of points! - Osomatic, 2007-08-24: 02:01:00
Created by: Scrumpy
Pronunciation: wish-uh-point-muhnt
Sentence: Ken received his wishappointment but the transmission promptly fell out of it.
Etymology: Wish - (to hope for) disappointment - (let down)
Created by: haldean
Pronunciation: WISH-IH-PRO-KAY-SHUN
Sentence: I didn't want him to die, really; it was just a figure of speech! I wasn't counting on any wishiprocation.
Etymology: WISH - desire, want (English) RECIPROCATION - to get what one deserves (English)