Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., The wondrous, and the "wonder how I'm going to pay for it" feelings of the holiday shopping season. v., To stumble through a shopping mall like a zombie on a buying binge, grabbing anything and everything that will fit on your credit card.
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Created by: artr
Pronunciation: hälidāz
Sentence: From Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve Julie is in a holidaze, buying more than she can comfortably afford for family and friends. She wanders the mall chanting the mantra of the **don*t want to offend** crowd, **Happy Holidays**, daring not utter the word Christmas. By Christmas Day she is as surprised as the recipients with what she has bought. The trance is finally broken in January when the OMG bills arrive.
Etymology: holiday (a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done) + daze (make someone unable to think or react properly; stupefy; bewilder)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: san-TAZ-mer-izd
Sentence: Once again the Christmas spirit had Leon absolutely Santasmerized, feeling the need to please everyone with lavish gifts, he seemed to be in a stupor and he was putting thousands of dollars he could ill afford on his credit card.
Etymology: Blend of 'Santa' and 'mesmerized' (Spellbound or enthralled. Hypnotized)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: wassail
Sentence: Here we go a wassaling, among the deals so keen, and here we come a wandring back home venting spleen. Debt and woe, come to you and to you your wassale too. And God dammit, I've spent way too much again.. and God take me before the bill arrives.
Etymology: wassail + sale
Ain't it great re-lyricking old carols! We should make a CD of New Old Carols with modern words....I can see them now stocked up beside Chia Pets in Walmart! - Nosila, 2008-12-17: 21:40:00
Dingdong merrily lay-by, All round the tills are ringing, Doggone verily we buy, our plastic cards aflinging. Gloria, how's Anna's debt extending? - petaj, 2008-12-18: 05:39:00
Created by: nicky
Sentence: I go to the mall around Christmas and trancspend till my wife calls and says its time to come home.
Etymology: trance, spend
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: inn add veez ab ill
Sentence: It was inadvisabill to try to do all one's christmas shopping in Cartier, after the child could choke on those rocks, but that the heck, it was christmas
Etymology: inadvisable, visa bill
My excuse would be that the Visa-bility was obscured by the glare. great word - Jabberwocky, 2007-12-14: 10:50:00
very clever incorporation of Visa! - silveryaspen, 2007-12-14: 14:19:00
Created by: mrowka
Pronunciation: Swipe-n-sign
Sentence: While shopping for my families presents I turned into Swipensein and charged everything without thinking about it.
Etymology: Swiping and signing, as in paying with a credit card, and Frankenstein, the monster who walks around zombie-esque
Who's better than you? - hyperborean, 2008-12-17: 19:27:00
Created by: mygirlboo
Pronunciation: Buy-emic
Sentence: Did you hear about Kathy? She became buyemic during the holidays.
Etymology: Buy + Bulimic
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: con-soom-pul-shun
Sentence: (sung to The Christmas Song) Visa maxed out on some hopeless bling, Discover's reaching for the max you know it s been said many times many ways, Comesumepulsion's got you now...
Etymology: Consume!/Consumer + (com)pulsion
Created by: bzav1
Pronunciation: auto - pawn - chus - pilot
Sentence: In a trance, combining panic and Xmas-zuberance, Ned wandered through the mall on autoponchuspilot, grabbing items from shelves with no regard for price, taste or the impact his decisions would have on others.
Etymology: autopilot + Ponchus Pilot
How very gentile! Thumbs up!...or is that down? mmm - scrabbelicious, 2007-12-14: 09:29:00
FYI: Here's how the Bible spells it: "Pontius Pilate." - Maxine, 2007-12-14: 14:25:00
bless you, Maxine - bzav1, 2007-12-14: 14:48:00
lol, i had to laugh, good job, but pontius pilot doesn't really have anything to do with christ's birth, rather death...OH!!! Okay, I get it, yeah, death can surely come by spending too much on autopilot at xmas time. thumbs up buddy... - chaiandallthatjazz, 2007-12-16: 11:52:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: gool/card/ing
Sentence: On Christmas Eve the malls are filled with people ghoulcarding, buying anything and everything in sight and willing to kill and eat flesh for it.
Etymology: GHOULCARDING from - GOLD CARD (a credit card with a high credit rating and with the privilege of being eaten alive by the interest rates) + GHOUL (an evil spirit, or demon in folklore believed to plunder malls and feed on Christmas shoppers)
Verbotomy - 2007-12-14: 01:55:00
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen Thank you silveryaspen ~ James
silveryaspen - 2007-12-14: 14:44:00
Liked all the words!
Verbotomy - 2007-12-17: 01:26:00
Thank you silveryaspen for the great idea ~ James
silveryaspen - 2008-12-17: 19:12:00
Into the valley of malls, went the $5 hundreds ... It was the light of the charge brigade!
Verbotomy - 2009-12-18: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James