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Verbotomist's Delight

This is a Darwinian greenhouse. To see the top verboticisms for each definition, visit the archives on the Verbotomy Blog.

I'm not pouting because the world sucks

DEFINITION: n. A person who regularly sulks inside cafes and coffeehouses all day, contributing nothing more to their world than a pout. v. To glower angrily at the state of world affairs while remaining inactive and unemployed.

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Computer programmers do not make mistakes.

DEFINITION: n. A computer programmer who corrects software problems by bugging the users, rather than debugging the software. v. To pinpoint the blame for any defects in a product, especially a software product which you have created, on "illogical" end-users.

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Can't you see I'm busy!

DEFINITION: n. A cashier or customer service representative who is so busy chatting with their friends or coworkers that they ignore their customers. v. To be serviced by a very annoying customer service representative.

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What's that dripping sound?

DEFINITION: n. Strange sounds that keep you awake in the middle of the night. v. To lie in bed unable to sleep because you keep hearing weird sounds.

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You're perfect, but you just don't listen!

DEFINITION: v. To be offered regular encouragement, unwavering support and subtle but unrelenting criticism based on the worry that you may not be realizing your "full potential". n. The helpful but sometimes annoying advice given by a mother to a child.

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What did you just call me?

DEFINITION: v. To use alternative "code words" instead of proper cuss words, in an effort to satisfy people offended by such vulgarisms. n. A word used as a replacement for an obscene or profane expletive.

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Don't worry, it's snot on your files.

DEFINITION: v. To be so hardworking and dedicated to your job that you come to work even when you're sick and dangerously infectious. n. A person who comes to work sneezing, coughing, contagious, and sick as a dog.

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