The create-a-word game

Billiam James

Billiam James is an artist, writer and programmer. He is the primary creative force behind Verbotomy, and was awarded a fellowship to attend the Cross-Platform Mentorship Lab at the Banff Centre, where Verbotomy was initially launched.

Other creative projects include: Office-Politics, the game everyone plays; Whack The PM, Canada's national election spoof and poll; and The Room, an interactive personality quiz created for Umbra. James also wrote a musical comedy, "Control Alt Delete", which premiered at Toronto’s Poor Alex Theatre in 1999. And way back in 1986, his computer-driven, multimedia installation for "Guerrilla Tactics: Art versus Technology" was shown in Toronto's legendary, artist-run gallery "A Space". It included real-time integration of user-generated text with live video, foreshadowing today's hottest media trends by two decades.


Billiam James
The James Gang, Iconoclasts Inc.
Suite 210 – 128 West Hastings St.,
Vancouver, V6B 1G8

'Let me help you with that zipper'

DEFINITION: v. To insist on helping someone in spite of their repeated assurance that they have things well in hand, and already have their own remedies in mind. n. Unwanted help or assistance.

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