The create-a-word game

'The Boss has just approved my new cost-cutting plan!'

DEFINITION: v. To propose and win approval for cost-saving reforms, which when implemented result in the immediate elimination of your job. n. An ambitious budget-slasher who accidentally cuts themselves out of a job.

Create | Read

Verbotomatics: Scoring


1. Voting: Each Author gets two "plus" Votes.

2. Creativity Points: You get 4 points for creating a word, 5 points for creating a sentence, plus 1 point each for the pronunciation and etymology.

3. Voting Points: Each vote counts for 3 points

Each Verboticism created:        +4
Each Sentence created:           +5
Each Pronunciation:              +1
Each Etymology:                  +1
Each Vote received:              +3

Total:                         Points

A the end of the week, the Author with the most points is declared the winner.

Each Verboticism created:        +4
Each Sentence created:           +5
Each Pronunciation:              +1
Each Etymology:                  +1
Each Vote cast                   +1
Each Vote received:              +3

Total:                         Points