Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n., A person who diligently and persistently complains about their work. v., To enjoy bellyaching about your job so much that you would never consider quitting.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: chippy
Sentence: Mary makes a great criveleehood as a teacher. Her students are horrible.
Etymology: cry livelyhood
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: JIB-dohl
Sentence: With a yearning to occuplague rather than be occupied, and to jibdole rather than job-do, Bob's beefs were legendary. And he certainly wasn't a workhorse, more a worknag. It seemed the thrill for him each day at work was that he was the office occuprick.
Etymology: Blend of JIB: One who sidesteps, hangs back, shirks the issue; JOB: work, employment & DOLE: Payment to the unemployment; 2. lament, lamentation, woe, grey-in-mood, gloom.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: sisəfəs
Sentence: John loves to sisyfuss about how he is overworked. He likes to complain about his co-workers. He enjoys kvetching so much that he started a number of Facebook groups; My boss is an idiot, work sucks, and Bitchers Anonymous. It*s one of the few things that get him out from under his rock. It gives him a sense of power he doesn*t get at work. He was practically giddy the day he ignored his boss*s friend request.
Etymology: Sisyphus (in Greek mythology - the son of Aeolus, punished in Hades for his misdeeds in life by being condemned to the eternal task of rolling a large stone to the top of a hill, from which it always rolled down again) fuss (a protest or dispute of a specified degree or kind)
You are terrific! - mrskellyscl, 2010-02-15: 06:09:00
It works on so many levels - the fuss + the reference to Sisyphus, but also it has "sissy" in it. - karenanne, 2010-02-15: 17:20:00
It works on so many levels - the word "fuss" + the reference to Sisyphus, but also it has "sissy" in it. - karenanne, 2010-02-15: 17:20:00
Created by: brimuth
Pronunciation: job - a - hollik
Sentence: Despite Jeff's denials, everyone knew he was a secret jobaholic, smiling at his work when he thought no-one was looking.
Created by: lumina
Pronunciation: kol/leev
Sentence: It was bad enough that my desk was moved away from window with the gorgeous city view. I now had to endure working side by side with Ken, the company's colleave. Everyday it was the same. Ranting, whining, threatening and the packing and unpacking of his personal belongings, only to then have to "smile and wave" at the end of the day as he said "Another day another dollar. See you tomorrow."
Etymology: colleague + leave
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: bur/oh/crab
Sentence: To be a successful bureaucrab you must have a love/hate relationship with your job and everybody else's jobs. Making life difficult and and frustrating must be a top priority.
Etymology: bureaucrat + crabby
Lovely! - purpleartichokes, 2007-10-18: 13:57:00
Great! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-18: 18:20:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: grype fit ter
Sentence: Charlie had gone to trade school to get his ticket, so that he would always be able to find work. After a few years of being a pipefitter, he got bored and became a gripefitter. He complained about everything to everybody, but did not want to give up his status and benefits, plus the money was great. Apparently complaining about his job ran in his family as one of his brothers was a whine merchant, another a beef industry executive and the third a journeymoan electrician.
Etymology: Gripe (to complain) & Pipefitter (A pipefitter (also called steamfitter), not to be mistaken for a plumber, is a tradesman who lays out, assembles, fabricates, maintains and repairs mechanical piping systems)
Created by: kabloozie
Pronunciation: EN-truh-peev
Sentence: Bob's usual ennui has really become a persistant entropeeve - I wish he'd just shut up or quit.
Etymology: Entropy:The tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity + peeve: cause to be annoyed, irritated, or resentful
Nice simple blend. Love the sentence too! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-18: 18:24:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: ock-yew-pule-AY-shun
Sentence: Reginald griped and complained so often and so long at work that most folks realized that whining had become his ocupulation, a fact that had many of them wishing he'd take his skills elsewhere.
Etymology: Blend of 'occupation' (a person's usual or principal work or business) and 'pule' (whine)
Created by: kimbo123
Pronunciation: whine-o-worker
Sentence: He goes to work everyday, but is such a whinoworker to his fellow employees.

Today's definition was suggested by brimuth. Thank you brimuth! ~ James
"occupulation" is a great word, and easy to pronounce, too.
galwaywegian - 2008-09-16: 06:29:00
galwaywegian - 2008-09-16: 06:29:00
oops that was meant for sisyfuss
lumina - 2008-09-18: 02:22:00
Nosila! Your "pation" fit was GREAT! NOBODY stop him! HA! Is owning a pawn shop a hockupation? Shouldn't the kid on the corner in his yellow traffic get up get paid for that blockupation? Ok, somebody slap us both... :) Congrats on the win Nose!
Today's definition was suggested by brimuth. Thank you brimuth. ~ James
wordslikevenom - 2011-06-30: 19:40:00
Vintage ;)