Vote for the best verboticism.

'Honey, you just ran a red light!'

DEFINITION: v. To unintentionally encourage bad behavior by responding to it in a manner that incites even worse behavior. n. A response designed to stop bad behavior, which paradoxically produces more of it.

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: rek tifff eye

Sentence: Herhigh pitched complaints only managed to wrectify the situation, as she put her foot on the imaginery brake.

Etymology: rectify wreck.


wreckscellent word! - Nosila, 2008-05-20: 22:37:00

Nice word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-22: 01:21:00


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Created by: melodydrama

Pronunciation: Bah-boo-zle

Sentence: The comment meant to hurry her husband along was a sad baboozle, he only walked slower and they missed their appointment.

Etymology: Baboon+bamboozle

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: Eks-asz-SUR-bloop

Sentence: When Bob tried to smooth things over with a few words of "wisdom", he quickly found out that many an embarassing moment wouldn't be so embarassing if it only lasted a moment. The daftermath of his exacerblooper and exacerblooping, lead to a hellishing harangue from Roxie that lasted an hour.

Etymology: Blend of EXACERBate & BLOOP/er: an embarassing, silly, verbal error, usually during a serious moment.


great sentence - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-20: 15:32:00


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Created by: Rutilus

Pronunciation: tran-kwi-looz

Sentence: However hard Peggy tried to pacify Ivan's ire she only ever seem to tranquilose him and in the process make him even more uptight. She was getting tired of this relationship and wanted out!

Etymology: tranquilise - to pacify; lose - to be defeated (in purpose)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: fôrtədifī

Sentence: Joanne knows all about the concept of reverse psychology. It is easy for her to get her children and husband to do what she wants by getting them to fortidefy her nagging.

Etymology: fortify (strengthen or invigorate) + defy (openly resist or refuse to obey)

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: neg-a-ten-shen-al

Sentence: As a teacher, Mary knew that negatentional responses were equal to posintentional ones to the kids who acted up to get her attention, although the results were disastrous for her classroom management. She soon realized that by nagging Kevin the same result would happen, Kevin would do the opposite of what she wanted to get a response from her. She decided to ignore the inappropriate behavior and reward him for proper behavior, just as she would her kindergarten children, in order for him to get posattention from her.

Etymology: negative: unfavorable or disconfirming + intentional: done deliberately + attention: notice or recognition. Teachers and trainers understand that to some children or animals negative attention is just as good as positive attention because it gives them the reward of recognition and response.


Do I not lie it? Negatory! Good word. - Nosila, 2009-06-30: 17:31:00


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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: skair - a - dime

Sentence: There was a scaradigm shift in Tony's behavior after Lisa tried to soothe him during the drive through the Catskills. The road was narrow and slippery and an antelope strolled out and started to play around in the headlights.

Etymology: scare (A general state of alarm), paradigm (A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: nag resh shun

Sentence: Rhoda Rage always lectured her spouse,Red, about the importance of defensive driving. She also pointed out potential hazards to him along the a person crossing the road, a mile ahead. Or a red light, three blocks away. Although she could not drive herself, she was an expert on what he should be doing. But all her cautions became a form of nagression and irritated the heck out of Red. Her constant comments made him nervous and edgy. He took his frustration out on other motorists. They eventually split up, because he wanted to take another Rhoda and she did not want to see Red anymore.

Etymology: Nag (remind or urge constantly; bother persistently with trivial complaints;worry persistently) & Aggression (violent action that is hostile and usually unprovoked;deliberately unfriendly behavior; the act of initiating hostilities;a disposition to behave aggressively;a feeling of hostility that arouses thoughts of attack)

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: mod/i/fail

Sentence: As a teacher, I sometimes modifail when a student over reacts in a negative way to an attempted behaviour modifcation causing even further trouble in class.

Etymology: modify + fail

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: dis-sway-sca-lay-shun

Sentence: Bobby, just ignore your brother. You know that when you tell him not to swear he just tells you to f&*$ #$%&&% )!!@^&$$. I know you mean well, but it's just a dissuascalation.

Etymology: dissuasion (discouragement) + escalation (increase, especially in the case of military escalation where every action is responded to with greater force)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-05-20: 00:00:01
Today's definition is inspired by Amy Sutherland's observation that if we are going to use "progressive animal training techniques" on humans, that we simply need to reward behavior we want and ignore behavior we don't. Of course this is easier said than done, and requires a great deal of self-awareness and self-discipline. In fact, Amy calls it the "Zen of Animal Training". See: "What Shamu Taught me About Life, Love and Marriage". Thanks Amy! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-06-30: 00:00:01
Today's definition is inspired by Amy Sutherland's observation that if we are going to use "progressive animal training techniques" on humans, that we simply need to reward behavior we want and ignore behavior we don't. Of course this is easier said than done, and requires a great deal of self-awareness and self-discipline. In fact, Amy calls it the "Zen of Animal Training". See: "What Shamu Taught me About Life, Love and Marriage". Thanks Amy! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-07-20: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by amysutherland. Thank you amysutherland. ~ James

Genkareink - 2019-07-22: 07:52:00
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Svetikreink - 2019-07-22: 08:33:00
[url=] [/url] [url=]

Petrikreink - 2019-07-22: 09:52:00

Genkareink - 2019-07-22: 17:03:00

Svetikreink - 2019-07-22: 17:41:00

Petrikreink - 2019-07-22: 18:56:00 http://xn--80afhpoahcbjlch1a1d7