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'I do not need or use deodorant.'

DEFINITION: n A lie told by a politician which is not really a lie, because in their heart of hearts, they are pretending it is true. v. To believe you are telling the truth even though you know it's really not.

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Created by: Tanik

Pronunciation: wel-mee-nee

Sentence: I just feel so sorry for the people who believed his welmeanies.

Etymology: well-meaning-lie


Good one! Good double meaning... - wordmeister, 2008-06-12: 09:48:00


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Created by: josje

Pronunciation: truth bending

Sentence: this guy believes himself, he is obviously truthbending

Etymology: truth en bending

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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: inturn/a/lize

Sentence: The politician lost all sense of fact and fiction because he had told so many internalies

Etymology: internalize + lies


Definitely a Bentley from Porsche! Great word!! - Stevenson0, 2007-03-22: 09:03:00

how true - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-22: 16:06:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: itz - no - FACT - oh

Sentence: Senator Hornblower had been hawking his latest trumped up gimmick for so long he had polished the delivery to the point that even he himself could no longer separate fact from fiction and his spiel was itsnofacto truth in his mind.

Etymology: It's + no + on 'ipso facto'...'by the fact itself; by the very nature of the deed'


Great word! - TJayzz, 2008-06-12: 08:27:00

very funny - rolls off the tongue - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-12: 11:40:00

Ah, many's a good story is ruined by sticking to the factos...good word - Nosila, 2008-06-12: 20:38:00

Very clever - luv it! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-13: 08:25:00


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Created by: jonobo

Pronunciation: politrick

Sentence: He politricked himself to believe in everything he said.

Etymology: politic + trick

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: de/fact/choo/uh/lahyz

Sentence: Good politicians are able to defactualize freely and sincerely about any and every situation in order to gain the upper hand and score political points, depending on who they are talking to.

Etymology: DEFACTUALIZE - verb - from DE (do, or make the opposite of; reverse) + FACT (reality; truth) + CONCEPTUALIZE (a general notion or idea formed in the mind)


Excellent word! It is certainly one we could use in real life. I can see a politician explaining that he wasn't lying, it was just a simple matter of "defactualization". - wordmeister, 2008-06-12: 10:20:00

I think you just invented a bew buzz word, Stevenson0! - Nosila, 2008-06-12: 20:39:00

I meant NEW buzz word - Nosila, 2008-06-12: 20:39:00


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Created by: johnnyrockett

Pronunciation: bee-leev-a-baa-bul

Sentence: "I feel your pain" he believababled.

Etymology: Believe-to have confidence in the truth bable(babel)-to mutter incoherently


I like it! - jedijawa, 2007-03-22: 21:52:00


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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: fo KWAY shus

Sentence: Polly Tishan was impressively fauxquacious as she described her plan to help all the "needy and deserving citizens" of Texas by providing tax breaks to the poor and increasing taxes for the "greedy oil companies," whose campaign donations she would henceforth refuse.

Etymology: faux + loquacious


Fauxdacious word - Nosila, 2009-10-08: 23:05:00


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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: VEHR-ih-teez

Sentence: The audience sought verity from the muckraked Congresswoman, but she merely placated them with veritease.

Etymology: veri[ty] + tease; a "truth" that is really only teasing.

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Created by: Ahmad

Pronunciation: dip-lo-ligri

Sentence: Common people take every word true which springs out of the political leader but they dont understand that its just a diplolegory and nothing.

Etymology: Diplomat = one who is skilled in dealing public or exterior matters. Allegory means the statement which means differently than what it seems on the suface.

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